Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1041

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998 Disposition. Vol. 43, pp . 618, 619 . Vol. 44, p . 794. U .S.C ., pp. 1220, 1221 ; Supp . IV, p. 532. Post, p . 10 16 . Total and permanent disability. Provisos . S pec ific disabilities so rated . Additional . Double total d is- a bility . Rating for tubercu- lous as temporary total. Provisos . Right for perma- nently total rating . Additional services available. Military, etc ., control over veteran, until dis- charge, no t affected . Reimbu rsement for previous hospitaliza- tion, etc., of veteran. Compensation forloss of creative organ, etc . Proviso . If injured in Russia. SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss . II. Cia . 849 . 1930 . the casket of such veteran and afterwards to be given to his next of kin regardless of the cause of death of such veteran ." Sac. 13. That subdhvisions (3) and (5) of section 202 of the World War Veterans' Act, 1924, as amended (sections 473, 478, 479, title 38, United States Code), be hereby amended to read as follows : "(3) If and while the disability is rated as total and permanent, the rate of compensation shall be $100 per month

Provided, however,

That the permanent loss of the use of both feet, or both hands, or of both eyes, or of one foot and one hand, or of one foot and one eye, or of one hand and one eye, or the loss of hearing of both ears, or the organic loss of speech, or becoming permanently helpless or per- manently bedridden, shall be deemed to be total permanent disability Provided further, That the compensation for the loss of the use of both eyes shall be $150 per month, and that compensation for the loss of the use of both eyes and one or more limbs shall be $200 per month : Provided further, That for double total permanent disability the rate of compensation shall be $200 per month . " That any ex-service man shown to have a tuberculous disease of co mpensable degree, and who has been hospitalized for a period of one year, and who in the judgment of the director will not reach a condition of arrest by further hospitalization, and whose discharge from hospitalization will not be prejudicial to the beneficiary or his family, and who is not, in the judgment of the director, feasible for training, shall, upon his request, be discharged from hospitalization and rated as temporarily totally disabled, said rating to continue for the period of three years : Provided, however, That nothing in this subdivision shall deny the beneficiary the right, upon presenta- tion of satisfactory evidence, to be adjudged to be permanently and totally disabled : Provided further, That in addition to the compen- sation above provided, the injured person shall be furnished by the United States such reasonable governmental, medical, surgical, and hospital services, including payment of court costs and other expenses i nciden t to procee dings here tofore or h ereaf ter ta ken f or com mitme nt of mentally incompetent persons to hospitals for care and treatment of the insane, and shall be furnished with such supplies, including wheel chairs, artificial limbs, trusses, and similar appliances, as the director may determine to be useful and reasonably necessary, which wheel chairs, artificial limbs, trusses, and similar appliances may be procured by the bureau in such manner, either by purchase or manu- facture, as the director may determine to be advantageous and rea- so nably necessary : Provid ed, That nothing in this Act shall be construed to affect the necessary military control over any member of the Military or Naval Establishments before he shall have been discharged from the military or naval service : Pro vi ded fu rth er, That where any person entitled to the benefits of this paragraph has heretofore been hospitalized in a State institution, the United States Veterans' Bureau is hereby authorized to reimburse such person, or his estate, where payment has been made to the State ou t of the funds of such person, or to reimburse the State or any subdivision thereof where no payment has been made for the reason- able cost of such services from the date of admission. "There shall be paid to any person who suffered the loss of the use of a creative organ or one or more feet or hands as the result of an injury received in the active service in line of duty between April 6, 1 917, and November 11, 1918, compensation of $25 per month, inde- pendent of any other compensation which may be payable under this Act : Provided, however, That if such injury was incurred while the veteran was serving with the United States military forces in Rus- sia, the dates herein stated shall extend from April 6, 1917, to April 1, 1920 .