Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1059

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss . II. CH. 863. 1930 . July 3, 1930 .

[H . R .10630] CHAP. 863 .-An Act To authorize the President to consolidate and coor- [Public, No . 536.] ' dinate governmental activities affecting war veterans . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of R epresentatives of the Veterans' Adm „k- United States of America in Congress assembled, (a) • That the tration. Consolidation of exe- President is authorized, by Executive order, to consolidate and coor- e bureaus, tiv

dinate any hospitals and executive and administrative bureaus, five bureaus, etc . , for a uthoriz ed . erans, into, agencies, or offices, especially created for or concerned in the admin- istratio n of the law s relating to the reli ef and othe r benefits provided by law for former members of the Military and Naval Establish- ments of the United States, including the Bureau of Pensions, the Nationa l Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, and the United States Veterans' Bureau, into an establishment to be known as the Transfer of duties, powers, etc • Veterans' Administration, and to transfer the duties, powers, and functions now vested by law in the hospitals, bureaus, agencies, or offices so consolidated and coordinated, including the personnel thereof, and the whole or any part of the records and public property belonging thereto to the Veterans' Administration . erans' Affairs . Admini

(b) Under the direction of the President the Administrator of irs . Powers, etc . Veterans' Affairs shall have the power, by order or regulation, to consolidate, eliminate, or redistribute the functions of the bureaus, agencies, offices, or activities in the Veterans' Administration and to create new ones therein, and, by rules and regulations not inconsist- ent with law, shall fix the functions thereof and the duties and powers of their respective executive heads . Ap pointment of . SEC. 2 . There shall be at the head of such Veterans' Administra- tion an administrator to be known as the Administrator of Veterans' Affairs, who shall be appointed by the President, by and with the salary F unctions , duties advice and consent of the Senate . Such administrator shall receive , and powers conferred a salary of $12,000 a year, payable monthly . Upon the establish- upon. ment of such Veterans' Administration all the functions, powers, and duties now conferred by law upon the Commissioner of Pensions, the Board of Managers of the National Home for Disabled Volun- teer Soldiers, and the Director of the United States Veterans' Bureau are hereby conferred upon and vested in the Administrator of Vet- erans' Affairs . Such administrator, under the direction of the Presi- ign wed ol,tc, ofetc , dent, shall have the control, direction, and management of the various under .

agencies and activities enumerated in and referred to in section 1 Administrative du- ties inother . O this Act, and shall be charged with all the administrative duties relating to the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers and the Bureau of Pensions now imposed by law upon the Secretary Review of appeals . of War and the Secretary of the Interior, respectively . All final decisions or orders of any division, bureau, or board in the Veterans' Administration shall be subject to review, on appeal, by such Transfer of title of administrator . National Home forDis- SEC . 3 . All property the title of which now stands in the name a bled vo lun teer So l- diers to the United of the Board of Managers of the National Home for Disabled Vol- diers states.

unteer Soldiers is hereby transferred to and the title thereof vested Adverse interests to be extinguished . i n the United States . If by re ason of any defe asance or c ondit ional clause or clauses contained in any deed of conveyance to the National Home for Disabled Vol unteer Soldiers the full and complete enjoy- ment and use of any of the property hereby transferred to the United States shall be threatened, it shall be the duty of the Attorney Gen- eral, upon request of the President of the United States, to institute in the distric t court of the United States for the distric t within wh ich etc., thorizedy gift, guish all outstais located such

as shall be nding adverse into ests : gProvided, That proper Att orney General shall have authority to procure and accept on behalf of the U nited State s by g ift, purch ase, c essio n, or other wise, evide nced by