Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1116

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss. III . CH. 111 . 1931 . Naval training station, San Diego, California : Extension of mess hall, $115,000 . Depot of Suppl ies, Philadelp hia, Pennsylvan ia : Ex te ns io n o f sh op building, $225,000. Marine barracks, Quantico, Virginia : Roads, walks, service sys- tems, and power-plant equipment, $160,000 ; improvement of hea ting system, $60,000 . Marine barracks, Parris Island, South Carolina : Improvement of roads, $100,000 . Marine barracks, San Diego, California : Extension of storehouse, $150,000 . Submarine base, New London, Connecti cut : Replace building numbered 42 damaged by fire, $50,000 . Naval air station, Lakehurst, New Jersey : Extension of tracks, service systems, roads, and walks, $75,000 . Naval aircraft factory, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania : Seaplane run- way, $75,000 ; extension of sea wall, $100,000 . Naval air station, Hampton Roads, Virginia : Resurfacing sea- plane runways, $50,000 ; extension of hangar and shop building, $150,000 . Naval air station, Pensacola, Florida : Improvement of landplane field, $100,000 ; filling and grading, $400,000 . Naval air station, San Diego, California

Extension of barracks bui ldi ngs, $ 95 , 00 0 ; impro vement of gaso line storage, $50,000 ; resur- facing seaplane runway, $25,000 . Naval hospital, Chelsea, Massachusetts : Extension of main ing, $175,000 . Naval hospital, Newport, Rh ode building, $150,000 . Naval hospital, Norfolk, Virginia : Replacement of landing, $45,000. Naval hospital, Puget Sound, Washington : Exten sion of m ain building, $150,000 ; extension of administration building, $50,000. DEPARTMENT OF STATE Island : Extension of build- ma in Lynchburg, Vi rginia, post o ffice and court house : Th e re i s h er e by authoriz ed and directed to be acquire d for this proj ect for the su m of $183,000, by purchase agreement with the owner notwithstanding the prov isions of any o ther law, subd ivisions of lot 8, city block , 57894'-31- 68 1073 San Diego, Calif. Philadelphia, Pa. M arine barr acks . Quantico, Va . Parris Island, S. C . San Diego, Calif . New Lon don, C onn . Submarine base . Air stations, etc . Lakehurst, N .J. Philadelphia, Pa . Hampton Roads, Va. P ensacola, Fla . San Diego, Calif . Naval hospitals . C helsea, Mass . Newport, R.I. N orfol k, Va . Puget Sound, Wash . Hospital . Department of State . International technical con sulting committ ee on radio co mmunica- International Teem nical Con sulting Com- tio ns, C open hagen , De nmark

For the expenses of participation by

mani c on Radio p n- the United States in the International Technical Consulting Corn- bagen . Participation

es- mittee on Radio Communications, to be held at Copenhagen, Den- penses . mark, in May, 1931, including travel expenses, subsistence or per Ante, p p . 39. diem in lieu of subsistence (notwithstanding the provisions of any

12. other Act), compensation of employees, stenographic and o ther RaStisc. 3709, p . services by contract if deemed necess ary without reg ard to the pro - 732, sedP. 1309 . visions of section 3709 of the Revised Statutes (U. S. C., title 41, sec . 5 ), pr inting and bind ing, purchase of necessary b ooks and docu- ments, official cards, rent, entertainment, and such other expens es as may b e authorized by the Secretary of State, incl uding the reim - bursement of other appropriations from which payments may have been made for any of the purposes herein specified, fiscal years 1931 and 1932, $30,000 . TREASURY DEPARTMENT

meeTreasury Depart- Supervising Archi Or r7CE OF THE SU PERVI SING ARCH ITECT

tea's office . Public buildings. Lynchhurg, Va . Post office, etc.