Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1190

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SE VENT Y-FIR ST CONGRESS . SEss. III . Cii. 187 . 1931 . cal Survey is authorized to exchange unserviceable and worn-out p assen ger-c arry ing a nd fr eigh t-car rying veh icles as p art payme nt for new freight-carrying vehicles, and whenever, during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1932, the Director of the Geological Survey shall find that the expense of travel can be reduced thereby, he may authorize the payment of not to exceed 3 cents per mile for a motor cycle or 7 cents per mile for an automobile used for official business and including not to exceed $4,000 for necessary traveling expenses of the director and members of the Geological Survey acting under his direction, for attendance upon meetings of technical, professional, and scientific societies when required in connection with the author- ized work of the Geological Survey, to be expended under the regu- lations from time to time prescribed by the Secretary of the Interior, and under the following heads For top ographic surveys in vario us porti ons of t he Unite d States, $780,000, of which amount not to exceed $360,000 may be expended for personal services in the District of Columbia : Provided, Th at no part of this appr opriatio n shall be expen ded in co operatio n with States or municipalities except upon the basis of the State or municipality bearing all of the expense incident thereto in excess of such an amount as is nece ssary fo r the Ge ological Survey t o per- form its share of standard topographic surveys, such share of the Geological Survey in no case exceeding 50 per centum of the cost of the survey and resulting maps : Provided further, That $543,000 of this amount shall be available only for such cooperation with States or municipalities ; For geol ogic sur veys in t he vario us porti ons of t he United States and chemica l and phy sical re searches relativ e thereto , $400,0 00, of which not to exceed $325,0 00 m ay be expended for personal services in the Dist rict of C olumbia ; For fund amental research in geolo gic scie nce, $10 0,000 ; For volcanologic surveys, measurements, and obse rvato ries in Hawaii, including subordinate stations elsewhere, $35,000 ; For cont inuation of the i nvestiga tion of the mine ral resou rces of Alaska, $84,500, to be available immediately, of which amount not to exceed $ 33,000 ma y be exp ended fo r person al servic es in th e Dis- tri ct of Co lumbia ; For gaging streams and determining the water supply of the United States, the investigation of underground currents and artesian wells, and the preparation of reports upon the best methods of utiliz- ing the water resources, $672,000 ; for operation and maintenance of the Lees Ferry, Arizona, gaging station and other base-gaging sta- tions in the Colorado River drainage, $48,000 ; in all, $720,000, of which amount not to exceed $160,000 may be expended for personal services in the District of Columbia : Provided, That no part of this appropriation shall be expended in cooperation with States or munici- pal ities ex cept upon the bas is of th e State or munici pality b earing all of the expense incident thereto in excess of such an amount as is nec essary f or the Ge ological Survey to perfo rm its sh are of g eneral water-resource investigations, such share of the Geological Survey in no case exceeding 50 per centum of the cost of the investigation and of the printing of the resulting reports : Provided further, That $552,000 of this amount shall be available only for such cooperation with States or municipalities ; For the examination and classification of lands with respect to mi neral cha racte r, wa ter resou rces, an d agr icul tural util ity as required by the public land laws and for related administrative oper- ations ; for the preparation and publication of land classification maps and reports ; for engineering supervision of power permits and grants under the jurisdi ction of the Sec retary of the Int erior

1147 Travel by motor ve- hicles. Attendance at meet• ings. Topographic sur- veys . Pr ovi sos . Restriction on coop- erative wo rk wi th States. Sum for cooperation . Geologic surveys . Research in geologic science. Volcanologic sur- veys, etc ., Hawaii . Ala ska min eral re- sources . Water supply . Investigation, etc. Gaging stations . Provisos. Cooperation expenses with States, etc . Amount for coopera- tion . Classifying lands as to mineral character, water resources, etc .