Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1192

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SEVEN TY-F IRST C ONGRESS . SESS. III . CH. 187. 1931 . municipal agency cooperating with the Federal Government in the mapping project for which the photographs wer e taken . In the eve nt that the Direc tor of t he Geolo gical Sur vey deem s it adv an- tageous to the Government, the Geological Survey is authorized to contract with civilian aerial photographic concerns for the furnishing of such photographs ; Appropriations herein made shall be available for payment of the costs of packing, crat ing, and transpo rtation (includin g drayage) of personal effects of employees up on permanent change of station, und er regulations to be prescribed b y the Secretary of the Interior ; Total, United States Geological Survey, $3,141,740 . NATIONAL PARK SERVICE For the Director of the National Park Service and other personal services in the District of Columbia, including accounting services in che cking and verifyi ng the accounts and records of t he various oper- ators, licensees, and permittees conducting utilities and other enter- prises within the national parks and monuments, and including the services of specialists and experts for investigations and examina- tions of lands to determine their suitability for national park and na tional monum ent purposes and members of the com mission appointed under the provisions of the Act of February 21, 1925 (43 Stat., p. 9:i9) : Provi ded, That such specialists and experts may be employed for temp orary service at rates to be fix ed by the Secre- tary of the Interior to correspond to those established by the Classi- fic ation Act of 1923 , as amended, an d without refere nce to the Civil Service Act of January 16, 1883, $167,400, of which amount not to exceed $22,500 may be expended for the services of field employees engaged in examination of lands and in developing the educational work of the National Park Service . For every e xpenditure requi site for and inci dent to the auth orized work of the office of the Director of the National Park Service not h er ei n pr ov id ed f or t includ ing traveling ex penses, telegrams , photo- graphic supplies, prints, and motion-picture films, necessary expenses of attendance at meetings concerned with the work of the National Park Service when authorized by the Secretary of the Interior, and necessary expenses of field employees engaged in examination of lands and in developing the educational work of the National Park Service, $35,100 : Pr ovided, That necessary expenses of field e mployees in atte ndance at such me etings, when auth orized b y the S ecretary, shall be paid from the vario us park and monument appropriations . Acadia National Park, Maine : For administration, protection, and maintenance, including $3,000 for George B . Dorr as superintendent, $3,000 for temporary clerical services for investigation of titles and preparation of abstracts thereof of lands donated to the United States for inclusion in the Acadia National Park, and not exceeding $3,100 for the purchase, maintenance, operation, and repair of motor- driven passenge r-carrying vehic les for the use of the superinten dent a nd emplo yees in connection with general park . work, $53,600 ; for the construction of physical improvements, $8,000, of which not exceeding $1,600 shall be available for one raner cabin, $600 for a shelter cabin a nd $5,800 for im provements to th e' Homan's reside nce ; in all, $61,600 . Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah : For administration, protec- tion, and maintenance, including not exceeding $300 for the mainte- nance, operation, and repair of motor-driven passenger-carrying vehicles for the use of the superintendent and employees in connec- tion with the general park work, $10,300 ; for construction of physical 1149 Contracts with ci- vili ans . Transfer of effects of emplo yees . National Park Serv- ice. Director, and offi ce personnel. Accounting services. Ante, p. 1117. Specialists, etc . Proviso . Employment wi th- out reference to Clas- sification . etc., acts. Vol 42, p. 485; Vol. 45, p . 776 Ante, p. 1003. Vol .22,p. 403. Ad min ist rat ive ex- penses . Proviso. Funds available . Acadia, Me. Bryce Canyon,Utab .