Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1257

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SESS. III . CH. 276. 1931 . Office of legal ad- " SEC. 30. That there is hereby established in the Department of vis Es tablish ed . State the office of legal adviser (in lieu of the Solicitor of the aboliisshedf the Solicitor Department of State, which office is hereby abolished) . The legal Appointment, sal- adviser shall be appointed by the President by and with the advice Post, p. 1321.

and consent of the Senate and shall receive the same salary as Assistant Secretaries of State . Foreign Service Per- ~~ SEC. 31. There shall be in the Department of State a Board of so Dut Board. Duties .

Foreign Service Personnel for the Foreign Service, whose duty it shall be to recommend promotions in the Foreign Service and to furnish the Secretary of State with lists of Foreign Service officers Composition. who have demonstrated special capacity for promotion to the grade chairman .

of minister . The board shall be composed of not more than three Assistant Secretaries of State, one of whom shall be the Assistant Secretary of State having supervision over the Division of Foreign Service Personnel, who shall be chairman . The Chief of the Divi- Ot her off icers wh o sion of Foreign Service Personnel and one other member of the may attend meetings . division may attend the meetings of the board and one of them Secretary.

shall act as secretary, but they shall not be entitled to vote in its sigCned of officer as- proceedings . No Foreign Service officer below class I shall be Not eligible for pro- assigned for duty in the Division of Foreign Service Personnel . motion to grade , of Foreign Service officers assigned to the division shall not be eligible minister, etc ., during assignment, etc . for r ecom menda tion by t he Bo ard o f Fo reign Serv ice Perso nnel for promotion to the grade of minister or ambassador during the period of such assignment or for three years thereafter, nor shall such Limited authority, officers be given any authority except of a purely advisory charac- ter, over promotions, demotions, transfers, or separations from the service of Foreign Service offic ers . Service on of o reign 11 SEC. 32. The Division of Foreign Service Personnel shall assemble, To be custodian of record, and be the custodian of all available information in regard to information reg ardin g the character, ability, conduct, quality of work, industry, experience, character, etc ., of offi- cers.

dependability and general availability of Foreign Service officers, . Ap pra isal of inf orms - including reports of inspecting officers and efficiency reports of ti onl su pervising officers . All such information shall be appraised at least once in two years and the result of such appraisal expressed in terms of excellent, very good, satisfactory, or unsatisfactory, Statement entered in accompanied by a concise statement of the considerations upon which efficiency records .

they are based, shall be entered upon records to be known as the officer to have oppor . efficiency records of the officers, and shall constitute their efficiency tu ntty to reply. ratings for the period . No charges against an officer that would adversely affect his efficiency rating or his value to the service, if true, shall be taken into consideration in determining his efficiency Efficiency records to rating except after the officer shall have had opportunity to reply be kept ° thereto . The Assistant' Secretary of State supervising the Division of Foreign Service Personne l shall be respo nsible f or the ke eping of accurate and impartial efficiency records of Foreign Service officers of fic ers graded bien- and shall take all measures necessary to ensure their accuracy and nially, promotion list impartiality . Not later than November 1 at least every two years, prepared . the Division of Foreign Service Personnel shall, under the super- vision of the Assistant Secretary of State, prepare a list in which all Foreign Service officers shall be graded in accordance with their Cl assi fic atio n of relativ e efficiency and value to the servi ce . In th is li st of fice rs sh all grades .

be graded as excellent, very good, satisfactory, or unsatisfactory Eligible for promo- with such further subclassification as may be found necessary . All t1OII if satisfactory or above.

officers rated satisfactory or above shall be eligible for promotion in . the order of merit to the minimum salary of the next higher class . When promotion list This list shall not become effective in so far as it affects promotion to be eff ecti ve .

until it has been considered by the Board of Foreign Service Personnel hereinbefore provided for and approved by the Secretary