Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/126

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss. II. CHs . 72-74 . 1930 .

83 SEC . 2 . When the new bridge a nd approaches thereto are com- bridge onl completion old ple ted and put in op eration the old or exist ing bridg e shall be re- of new one. moved by s aid Missouri-Kansas-Texas Rail road Company within a reasonable time to be fixed by the Secretary of IV, ar and in a man- ner satisfactory to the District Engineer of the Engineer Department at large in charge of the district within which said bridge is located . SEC . 3 . The right to sell, assign, transfer, and mortagage all the se Rig ht rights, powers, and privileges conferred by this Act is hereby granted to the Missouri-Kansas-Texas Railroad Company, its successors and assigns; and any corporation to which such rights, powers, and privileges may be sold, assigned, or transferred, or which shall ac- quire the same by mortagage foreclosure or otherwise, is hereby aut horized to exerci se the s ame as f ully as though co nferred herein directly upon such corporation . SEC . 4 . The right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby expressly reserved . Approved, March 10, 1930 . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Uni ted State s of Amer ica in C ongress a ssembled, That the consent of Congress is hereby granted to the State Roads Commission of Maryland, acting for and on behalf of the State of Maryland, and its successors and assigns, to construct, maintain, and operate a highway bridge across the Nanticoke River at a point suitable to the interests of n avigation, at Vie nna in D orcheste r County, Marylan d, in ac cord- ance with the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to regulate the construction of bridges over navigable waters," approved March 23, 1906 . SEC. 2 . The right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby expr essly res erved . Approved, March 10, 1930 . conferred to Amendment . March 10, 1930 . [S. 3030.] _ [Public, No. 69.] CHAP. 73 .-An Act To amend an Act entitled "An Act to provide for the fur ther dev elopment of agr icultura l extens ion work betwee n the ag ricultur al colleges in the several States receiving the benefits of the Act entitled `An Act donating public lands to the several States and Territories which may provide colleges for the benefit of agriculture and the mechanic arts,' approved July 2, 18 62, and all Acts supplementary the ret o, and the United States Dep art men t of Agriculture," approved May 22, 1928 . Be it enacted by the Sen ate and House of Representatives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, T hat the provision s for payment of the installments of the appropriation authorized by the Act entitled "An Act to provide for the further development of agricultural extension work between the agricultural colleges in the several States receiving the benefits of the Act entitled `An Act Vol .38,p . 372. donating public lands to the several States and Territories which may provide colleges for the benefit of agri culture a nd the m echanic e Vol . 4s,p.712,amend. arts,' approved July 2, 1862, and all acts supplementary thereto, and the United States Department of Agriculture," approved May 22, 1928 (Forty-fifth Statutes at Large, page 711), be made upon the assent of the governors of the several States, duly certified to the Sec retary of the Tre asury, i s hereby extende d until J anuary 1, 1932 . Ag ricu ltu ral exten- sion work. Extension of time authorized for assent of governors to additional . Nanticoke River . Ma ryla nd Stat e Roads Commission may bridge, at Viennu . Constrnrtion . Vol .34,p . 84. Amendment. Approved, March 10, 1930 . March 10, 1930. CHAP. 74.-An Act To authorize the State Roads Commission of Mary- [S . 3193.] la nd to con str uct a highway bridge across the Nan tic oke Ri ver at Vienna in Dorche ster County , Maryland . [Public, No. 70 ]