Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1280

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1237 immediately available for expenses in connection with the examina- ti on of estima tes fo r appr opriat ions i n the f ield i ncludi ng per diem allowances in lieu of actual expenses of subsistence . FIELD SERVICE, POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT OEVICE OF THE POSTMASTER GENERAL Field Service . Post mast er General. For gas, electric power, and light, and the rep air of machinery, Equipmentshopa building. United States Post Office Department equipment shops building, $7,000. The Postmaster General is hereby authorized to pay a cash reward Cash rewards to em- ployees for inventions for any invention, suggestion, or series of suggestions for an improving the service . improvement or economy in device, design, or process applicable to the Postal Service submitted by one or more employees of the Post Office Department or the Postal Service which shall be adopted for use and will clearly effect a material economy or increase efficiency, and for that purpose the sum of $1,500 i s hereby appropriated Provided, That the sums so paid to employees in accordance with Dais oal to regular this Act shall be in addition to their usual compensation : Provided pay further, That the total amount paid under the provisions of this Act Amounts limited . shall not exceed $1,000 in any month or for any one invention or suggestion : Provided further, That no employee shall be paid a Agreement for Gov'

ernment use required, reward under this Act until he has properly executed an agreement to the effect that the use by the United States of the invention, sug- gestion, or series of suggestions made by him shall not form the basis of a furt her claim of a ny n ature upon the Unit ed St ates by him, his heirs, or assigns : Provided further, That this appropriation str ic tea .Appropriation re- shall be available for no other purpose.

. For the transportation and delivery of equipment, materials, and Shipment of equip . supplies for the Post Office Department and Postal Service by meat, etc' freight, express, or motor transportation, and other incidental expenses, $500,000 . For travel and miscellaneous expenses in the Postal Service, office Travel, etc : of the Postmaster General, $1,000.

Damage claims . To enable the Postmaster General to pay claims for damages, Vol.41,p.63. occurring during the fiscal year 1932 or in prior fiscal years, to u .S.c.,p50. persons or property in accordance with the provisions of the Deficiency Appropriation Act approved June 16, 1921 (U . S. C ., title 5, sec . 392), $18,000 . Oi °r'ICE OF CHIEF INSPECTOR : For salaries of fifteen inspectors in Inspectors . charge of divisions, at $4,500 each ; and five hundred and twenty-five inspectors, $1,995,450 ; in all, $2,062,950 .

Traveling expenses, For traveling expenses of inspectors, inspectors in charge, the investigations of. chief post-office inspector, and the assistant chief post-office inspector, and for the traveling expenses of four clerks performing steno- graphic and clerical assistance to post-office inspectors in the investi- gation of im portan t frau d case s, and for te sts, e xhibit s, doc uments , photographs, office and other necessary expenses incurred by post- office inspectors in connection with their official investigations, $520,000 : Provided, That not exceeding $26,440 of this sum shall be Proviso . Allotment for chemi- available for transfer by the Postmaster General to other depart- cal investigations . ments and indepen dent establishments for chemical and oth er investigations . F or ne cessa ry m iscel laneo us ex pens es of divi sion head quart ers, Miscell aneous . $14,000 . For compensation of one hundred and thirty clerks at division headqua rters . `di vision headqu arters , $329 ,862 . For payment of rewards for the detection, arrest, and conviction Rew ar ds for det ect - f of pos t-offi ce bur glars, robbe rs, an d highw ay mai l robb ers, $ 45,000 : ing l aw vi olatio ns