Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1351

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r 1308 Madden Dam . Vol. 45, p. 363. Fer ry, etc ., Balboa entrance. Ante, p. 388. Proviso. Additional contracts authorized. Sanitation, etc . Lepers, etc . Artificial limbs, etc ., to injured employees . Chief quarantine offi- ce r. Civil government ex- penses . Av aila bil ity . Credits allowed . Water, sewers, pave- ments, etc , in Panama and Colon . Conf ederate Veter- ans' Reunion. Army Band, expen- ses . Ante, p . 1056. SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SESS. III. Cu. 279 . 1931 . tion of the Panama Canal ; in all, $9,359,808, including $1,000,000 for continuing the construction of the Madd en Dam across the Chagres River at Alhajuela for the storage of water for use in the mainte- nance and operation of the Panama Canal, together with a hydro- electric plant, roadways, and such other work as in the judgment of the Governor of the Panama Canal may be necessary, to cost in the aggregate not to exceed $15,500,000, and including $500,000 for completing the construction of a ferry and highway near the Pacific entrance of the Panama Canal as authorized by the Act approved May 27, 1930 ; together with all moneys arising from the conduct of business operations authorized by the Panama Canal Act : Provided, T hat in addi tion to the amo unt herein appropriated, the Governor of the Panama Canal is authorized to enter in to contracts for co n- tinuing the construction of the Madden Dam and accessories, as herein specified, to an amount not to exceed $11,250,000 . For sanitation, quarantine, hospitals, and medical aid and sup- port of the insane and of lepers and aid and support of indigent per- sons legally within the Canal Zone, including expenses of their deportation when practicable, and the purchase of artificial limbs or other appliances for persons who were injured in the service of the Isthmian Canal Commission or the Panama Canal prior to Sep- tember 7, 1916, and including additional compensation to any offi- ce r of the United St ates Public Health Service detailed wi th the Panama Canal as chief quarantine officer, $782,189 . For civil government of the Panama Ca nal and Can al Zo ne, including salaries of district judge, $10,000 ; district attorney, $5,000 ; marshal, $5,000 ; and gratuities and necessary clothing for indigent discharged prisoners, $1,351,689. Total Panama Canal, $11,493,686, to be available until expended . In addition to the foregoing sums there is appropriated for the fiscal year 1932 for expenditures and reinvestment under the several heads of app ropr iati on afor esai d, w itho ut being covered into the T rea sury of the Unit ed Stat es, all mone ys rece ived by the Pan ama C anal from serv ices rende red o r ma teria ls an d sup plies fur nishe d to the United States, the Panama Railroad Company, the Canal Zone gove rnment, or to their employees, respect ively, or to the Pa nama Government, from hotel and hospital' supplies and services ; from ren- tals, wharfage, and like service ; from labor, materials, and supplies and other ser vic es f urni shed to ves sels other than those passing through the canal, and to others unable to obtain the same elsewhere ; from the sale of scrap and other by-products of manufacturing and shop operations ; from the sale of obsolete and unserviceable materials, s uppl ies, and eq uipm ent purchased or acquired for the oper atio n, maintenance, protection, sanitation, and government of the canal and Canal Zone ; and any net profits accruing from such business to the Panama Canal shall annually be covered in to the Treasury of the United States . In a dditi on th ere i s app ropr iated for the o perat ion, main tenan ce, and extension of waterworks, sewers, and pavements in the cities of Panama and Colon, during the fiscal year 1932, the necessary portions of such sums as shall be paid as water rentals or directly by the Government of Panama for such expenses. To defray the expenses of The Ar my Band in attending the Co n- federate Veterans' Reunion at Montgomery, Alabama, in June, 1931, including transportation and Pullman accommodations and not to exceed $5 per day each for actual living and incidental expenses for the leaders and members of said band while en route to, in attendance at, and returning from said reunion, $7,500, to be available imme- di ately . Appr oved , Fe bru ary 23, 1931 .