Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1414

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S EVE NTY -FI RST C ONGRESS . SESS. III. CH. 281 . 1931 . U NITED S TATES G EOGRAPH IC BOA RD For salaries and expenses of the United States Geographic Board, including personal services in the District of Columbia, and for stationery and office supplies, $9,178 . For printing and binding, $1,500 . Total, United States Geographic Board, $10,678 . UNITED STATES SHIPPING BOARD For seven commissioners at $12,000 each per annuin and for all o ther ex pend itu res aut hori zed by law, in clud ing the co mpen sat ion o f a se creta ry to the b oard, attor neys, offi cers, naval archi tects , special experts, examiners, and clerks, including one admiralty coun- sel at not to exceed $10,000 per annum, one technical expert in connection with construction loan fund, at not to exceed $10,000 per annum, and other employees in the District of Columbia and elsewhere ; and for all other expenses of the board, including the rental of quarters outside the District of Columbia, law books, books of reference, periodicals, and not exceeding $600 for news- p apers, and travel ing e xpens es of membe rs of the b oard, its s pecia l experts, and other employees, while upon official business away from their designated posts of duty, including attendance at meetings or conventions of members of any society or association, the purpose of which the board may consider of interest to the development and maintenance of an American merchant marine, when incurred on the written authority of the chairman of the board, and for the employ- ment by contract or otherwise of expert stenographic reporters for its official reporting work and including the investigation of foreign discrimination against vessels and shippers of the United States and for the investigation of transportation of immigrants in vessels of the United States Shipping Board, $424,000, of which amount not to exceed $386,000 may be expended for personal services in the District of Co lumbia : Pro vide d, T hat the ann ual est ima tes of the Shipping Board for the fiscal year 1933 shall be accompanied by a statement showing the number and compensation of employees of the Fleet Corporat ion assign ed to the Shipping Board : P ro- vided further, That employees of the Merchant Fleet Corporation assigned to and serving with the Shipping Board whose compensa- tion is within the range of salary prescribed for the appropriate grade to which the position has been allocated under the Classifica- tion Act of 1923, as amended, shall not be subject to reduction in salary by reason of their transfer during the fiscal year 1932 to the pay roll of the Shipp ing Board . For a ll printin g and bin ding for t he United States Sh ipping Board, including all of its bureaus, offices, institutions, and services l ocated in W ashing ton, Distr ict of Colu mbia, and e lsewh ere, $1 2, 00 0 . UNITED STATE S SHIPPING B OARD SHIPPIN G FUND For expenses of the United States Shipping Board Merchant Fleet Corporation dur ing the fiscal year ending June 3 0, 19 32, for administrative purposes, miscellaneous adjustments, losses due to t he ma inten ance a nd op erati on of ships , incl uding oper ation throu gh an agreement to pay a lump-sum compensation, for the repair of ships, for the purchase, exchange, maintenance, repair, and opera- tion of motor vehicles for official purposes only ; for the payment of premiums for liability, fire, theft, property damage, and collision insurance and for other forms of insurance, including schedule and fidelity bonds, commonly carried by commercial corporations en aged in the same or a similar business, and for carrying out the 1371 Geographic Board . Salaries

and ex- penses . Prin ting a nd bi nd- ing . Shipping Board . Commissioners . All other expen ses . Personnel included . Outs ide re nt, e tc. Investigating disc rimin ations again st American vessels , etc . Services in the Dis- trict . Provisos. Estimates of assign- ments from Fleet Cor- poration . No salary reductions allocated from Fleet Corporation. Ante, p . 1003. Prin ting a nd bi nd- in g. Shipping fund . Merchant Fleet Cor- poration expenses pay- able from .