Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1424

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1381 District of Columbia, sums of money not exceeding $25 at the first of each month, to be expended for the purchase of certain books, pamphlets, numbers of periodicals or newspapers, or other printed materia l, and to be accou nted f or on itemize d vouc hers . For bindi ng, in cludin g nece ssary person al serv ices, $15,00 0 . For maint enance , alte ration s, rep airs, fuel, l ightin g, fit ting u p build ings, lunc h-ro om eq uipme nt, care of gr ounds , ma inten ance of motor delivery vehicles, and other contingent expenses, including not to exceed $700 for purchase and exchange of one motor delivery vehicle, $24,500 .

chewy chase and For rent of sui table quarte rs for branc h libra ries i n Chev y Chas e Woodridge branches, and Woodridge, $4,800 .

rent. For the grading of the Georgetown Reservoir (Wisconsin Avenue Georgetown branch . Grading of George . between R Street and Brown Place northwest), for utilization as town Reservoir for site . a site for a Georgetown branch library, and for drawing plans for a library building to be erected on such site, $30,000, to be immedi- ately available ; and such site is hereby transferred to the jurisdiction and control of the Commissioners of the District of Columbia . REGISTER OF WILLS For personal services, $74,720 . For miscellaneous and contingent expenses, telephone bills, print- ing, ty pewrit ers, p hotost at pap er and suppli es, in cludin g labo ratory coats and photographic developing room equipment, towels, towel service, window washing, street-car tokens, furniture and equipment and repairs thereto, and purchase of books of reference, law books, and periodicals, $11,500 . RECORDER OF DEEDS Bindin g . Contingent expenses . Transfer of tit le . Register of Wills . Personal services. Contingent expenses, Recorder of Deeds . For personal services, $105,020 .

Personal services . For recopying old land records of the District of Columbia, includ- rec`oordsPe%g old land ing personal services, typewriting machines, and necessary supplies and equipment, $10,000 . Fo r mis cell aneou s and cont inge nt ex pense s, i nclud ing t eleph one service, printing, binding, rebinding, repairing, and preservation of records ; typewriters, towels, towel service, furniture and equipment and repairs thereto ; books of reference, law books and periodicals, street-car tokens, postage, not exceeding $100 for rest room for sick and injured employees and the equipment of and medical supplies for s aid r est r oom, and all o ther nece ssary inci dent al ex pense s, $14,000 . For rent of offices of the recorder of deeds ; $14,000 . When specifically approved by the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, transfers may be made between the appropriations in th is Act un der the r espective jurisdic tion of any burea u, office , insti- tu tion, or service, in order to meet i ncreases in compe nsation r esulting from the reallocation by the Personnel Classification Board of posi- tions tinder any such organization unit . Any such transfers shall be reported to Congress in the annual Budget . C ONTI NGENT AND MIS CELL ANEO US EX PENS ES For checks, books, law books, books of reference, periodicals, news- papers, stationery ; surveying instruments and implements ; drawing materials ; binding, rebinding, repairing, and preservation of records ; purchase of laboratory apparatus and equipment, and maintenance of laboratory in the office of the inspector of asphalt and cement ; ic e ; re pair s to pound and vehi cles, not to e xceed $500 ; traveli ng Contingent expenses . Rent. Transfers allowed between appropriations for any bureau, etc., to meet reallocation in . creases . Contingent expenses, Objects specified .