Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1451

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS. SEss . III. CH. 282 . 1931 . Presentation c laims . Grand Army s ol- diers, etc., temporary home. Florence Crittenden Home. Hope and Help Mis- sion . Southern Relief So- ciety for needy Confed- erate Veterans. National Library for the Blind . Columbia Polytech- nic Institute . Saint Elizabeths Hospital . Support of District insane . Deporting nonresi- dent insane . Vol. 30, p . 811. Advances authorized to Director of Public welfare. thei r de pend ents as to t heir rig hts and priv ileg es u nder Fed eral legislation of which veterans and/or their dependents may be bene- of ficiar ies, inc luding a ssistanc e in the present ation of claims to the Veterans' Administration or other appropriate Federal agencies, $6,000, to be expended under the direction of the Commissioners of the District of Columbia . TEMPORARY HOME FOR UNION EX-SOLDIERS AND SAILORS (DEPARTMENT OF THE POTOMAC, GRAND ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC) For personal services, $4,740 ; maintenance, $10,450 ; and repairs to b uild ings and grounds, $1,000 ; in all, $16,190, to be expended under the direction of the commissioners ; and Union ex-soldiers, sailors, or marines of the Civil War, ex-soldiers, sailors, or marines of the Spanis h War, Philip pine in surrec tion, or C hina re lief expedition, and soldiers, sailors, or marines of the World War or who serv ed p rior to July 2, 1921 , sh all be a dmit ted to the home, all under the supervision of a board of management . FLOR ENCE CRITTEN TON HOME For ca re and maintenance of wo men and chi ld ren under a co n- tract to be made with the Florence Crittenton Home by the Board of Public Welfare, maintenance, $5,000 . SO UTH ERN REL IEF SO CIE TY For care and maintenance of needy and infirm Confederate vet- eran s, t heir wid ows and depe nden ts, resi dent s in the Dis tric t of Columbia, under a contract to be made with the Southern Relief Society by the Board of Public Welfare, $10,000 . NA TIO NAL LIB RAR Y FOR THE BLI ND For aid and support of the National Library for the Blind, loc at ed at 18 00 D Street no rt hwe st, to be expended under the direction of the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, $5,000 . COLUM BIA POLY TECHNIC I NSTITUTE To aid the Columbia Polytechnic Institute for the Blind, located at 1808 H Street northwest, to be expended under the direction of the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, $3,000 . SAINT ELIZABETHS HOSPITAL For support of indigent insane of the District of Columbia in Saint Elizabeths Hospital, as p rovi ded by law, $1,7 81,9 36 . NONRESIDENT INSANE For deportation of nonresident insane persons, in acc orda nce with the Act of Congress " to change the proceedings for admission to the Government Hospital for the Insane in certain cases, and for other purposes," approv ed January 31, 1899, including persons held in the psycopathic ward of th e Gallinger Municipal Hospital, $5, 000 . In expending the foregoing sum the disbursing officer of the Dis- trict of Colum bia is a uthorize d to adv ance to the Dire ctor of Public Welfare, upon requisitions prev ious ly a ppro ved by the auditor of