Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1546

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SEss . III. CHs. 430, 431 . 1931 .

1503 CHAP . 430.-An Act Granting the consent of Congress to the counties of

March 3, 1931 . Fayette and Washington, Pennsylvania, either jointly or severally, to construct, [li6232.] maintain, and operate a toll b ridge across the Monongahela River, at or near [Pubic, No . 817.] Fayette City, Pennsylvania . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o America in Congress assembled Th at the consent Fayette he la M

River . f

Fayette and Wash- of Congre ss is hereby granted to the county of Fay ette, P ennsyl- ingto n Count ies, P a ., may bridge, at Fayette va nia, or its b oard of county commis sioners , their succes sors or city, assigns, and/or to the county of Washington, Pennsylvania, or its board of county commissioners, their successors or assigns, to con- st ruct, main tain, and operate a b ridge and approaches thereto a cross th e Monongah ela River, at a point suitable to the int erests of navi- ation, at or near Fayette City, Pennsylvania, in accordance with Vol .34,p Von g

. 84 . the provisions of an Act entitled "An Act to regulate the construc- ti on of b ridges over n avigabl e water s," app roved M arch 23 , 1906, an d subject to the con ditions and limitatio ns contain ed in this Act . o Plll ir a anapl1e i di to SEC. 2. If tolls are charged for the use of such bridge, the rates fund . of toll shall be so adjusted as to provide a fund sufficient to pay th e reaso nable cost of mainta ining, repairi ng, and operat ing the b ridge and i ts ap proac hes u nder e conom ical manag ement, and to pr ovide a si nking fund sufficient to amorti ze the cos t of the b ridge and its approaches, including reasonable interest and financing co st, as soon a s possi ble und er reas onable charges , but w ithin a period of not to exceed twenty-five years from the completion thereof . After a sinking fund sufficient for such amortization shall Maintenance as free have been so provided, such bridge shall thereafter be maintained brid ge aft er amor tizing an d operated free of t olls, or th e rates of toll shal l thereaft er be so adjusted as to provide a fund of not to exceed the amount neces- sa ry for the proper ma intenance, repair, an d operatio n of the b ridge a nd its appr oache s, un der e conomi cal m anage ment . An accurate Record of expendi . record of the costs of the bridge and its approaches, the expenditures taros and receipts . fo r maintain ing, repai ring, and o perating t he same, a nd of the daily tolls collected, shall be kept and shall be available for the informa- tion of all persons int erested . SEC. 3 . The right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby Amendment,ete . ex pressly re served . Approved, March 3, 1931 . March 3, 1931 . CHAP . 431 .-An Act Authorizing D. S. Prentiss, R . A . Salladay, Syl F . [x.6266 .] listed, William M . Turner, and John H . Rahilly, their heirs, legal representatives, [Public, No . 319 .] and assigns, to construct, maintain, and operate a bridge across the Mississippi River at or near the town of New Boston, Illinois . Be it e nacted by the Senate and House o f Repres entatives o f the United States o f America in Congres assembled, That in order to Mississippi River . D. S. Prentiss, etc., facilitate interstate commerce, improve the postal service, and pro- may bridge, at New vide for military and other purposes, D . S . Prentiss, R . A . Salladay, Boston, w • Syl F . Histed, William M . Turner, and John H . Rahilly, their heirs, legal representatives, and assigns, be, and are hereby, authorized to co nstruct , main tain, a nd oper ate a b ridge a nd appr oaches thereto across the Mississippi River, at a point suitable to the interests of navigation, at or near the town of New Boston, Illinois, in accordance construction . with the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to regulate the con- Vol. 34, p. 84. struction of bridges over navigable waters," approved March 23, 1906, and subject to the conditions and limitations contained in this Act. SEC . 2. There is hereby conferred upon D . S . Prentiss,

estate R. A. Rte, etc . Location, , for location, Salladay, Syl F . Histed, William M . Turner, and John H . Rahilly, approaches . etc.