Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1573

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SEVE NTY-FIRS T CONGRESS. SEss. III. CHs . 516, 517 . 1931 . March 4,1931 .

CHAP. 518.-An Act To fix the ann ual co mpe nsa tio ns of the sec ret ary and [H. R . 11368.]

the Governor of the Territory of Alaska . [Public, No. 863 .] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Alaska. Salaries of Governor Un ited States o f America in Congress assembled, That from and and Secretary of. after the date of passage of this Act the salary of the secretary of the Territory of Alaska is fixed at $5,600 per annum, and that of the governor at $10,000 per annum. Approved, March 4, 1931 . March 4, 1931 . [H. R.11969.] [Public, No . 864 .] CHAP. 517 .-An Act Wi thdrawing c ertain publ ic lands fr om settleme nt, location, filing, entry, or disposal under the land laws of the United States for the pr otecti on of the wa tershe d supp lying water to the city of Los Angel es and other cities and towns in the State of California, and for other purposes . Withd Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the wa

United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the following - ithdrawal of, for protecting, water sup- described public lands are hereby withdrawn from settlement, loca- pl of Los Angeles, e tc ., tion, filing, entry or disposal under the land laws of the United States for the purp ose of pr otecting the water sheds now or hereaf ter supplying water to the city of Los Angeles and other cities and towns in the State of California, to wit : Description. All of section 1; east half of lot 2 northeast quarter, the south ha lf sou th half, and the nor theast quarte r sout heast q uarter sectio n 2

lo t 1 no rthwest quart er, the south west qu arter, the we st half south east quarter, and the southeast quarter southeast quarter section 3; the northeast quarter southwest quarter section 4; lot 1 and lot 2 northwest quarter, and the southwest quarter section 5; section 6; the northeast quarter, lot 1, lot 2, northwest quarter, lot 1, lot 2, southwest quarter, and the northwest quarter southeast quarter section 7; the northwest quarter northwest quarter section 8; the northeast quarter, the east half northwest quarter, the northwest quarter northwest quarter, the no rthw est qua rter sou the ast quar ter, and the east half sout hea st quarter section 10; section 11; section 12; section 13; section 14; east half northeast quarter section 15; the south half northeast qu arter, the sou theas t qua rter south west quar ter, and t he so uthw est quarter southeast quarter section 17; lot 1 and lot 2 northwest quarter, lot 1 and lot 2 southwest quarter, and the west half southeast quarter section 18; the northwest quarter northeast quarter, lot 1 and lot 2 northwest quarter, lot 1 and lot 2 southwest quarter, the south half southeast quarter, and the northeast quarter southeast quarter section 19; the west half northeast quarter, the east half northwest quarter, the southwest quarter northwest quarter, and the southwest quarter section 20; the north half, the south half southwest quarter and the southeast quarter section 21; the southwest quarter southwest quarter section 22; the northeast quarter and the east half southeast quarter section 23; section 24; section 25; the south half northwest quarter, the southwest quarter, the west half southeast quarter, and the south- east quarter southeast quarter section 27; the southeast quarter north- east quarter, the northwest quarter northeast quarter, the northeast qu arter nort hwes t qua rter, the south west quar ter n orthw est q uart er, and the south half section 28; the northwest quarter northwest quarter, the south half northwest quarter, and the south half section 29; section 30; section 31; section 32; section 33; the north half section 34; the north half northeast quarter, and the northwest quarter section 36; all in township 3 south, range 29 east, Moun t Diablo meridian; lot 1 and the east half lot 2 northeast quarter section 1; the west half lot 2 northwest quarter section 2; the we st