Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1654

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16 11 TITLE II-SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATIONS UNDER Brookbart Amend- THE ACT OF JUL Y 3, 19 30, AM END ING THE CLASSIFI- actof 1921, e C las sifi cat ion CATION ACT OF 1923, AS AMENDED . SECTION 1 . Supplemental appropriations for the fiscal year ending prsi6po emuntal a pro June 30, 1931, on account of the enactment of the Act of July 3, 1930 year 1931. (46 Stat ., p . 1003-1005), amending the Classification Act of 1923, u ..``S.. C .1,•Spp . IV, as amended, to be added to and become a part of the appropriations p .25 . available during such fiscal year under the following appropriation titles, namely : LEGISLATIVE ESTABLISHMENT

Legislative establish- ment. Orr CE OF ARCHITECT OF THE CAPITOL For " Capitol Building and Repairs, 1931," $1,293 . For " Maintenance, House Office Building, 1931," $3,199 . For " Maintenance, Senate Office Building, 1931," $2,737 . Total, Office of Architect of the Capitol, $7,229 . LI BRAR Y OF CON GRE SS

Library of Congress . " Salaries, Library of Congress, 1931 : " For salaries, Library proper, $1,620 ; Copyright Office, $1,260 ; Legislative Reference Service, $460 ; distribution of card indexes, $500 ; in all, $3,840 . For " Care and maintenance, Library of Congress, 1931," $2,996 . Total, Library of Congress, $6,836 . Total, Legislative Establishment, $14,065 . EXECUTIVE OFFICE AND INDEPENDENT ESTAB- independent tent est of fice, and LISHMENTS

meats . BOARD OF TAX AP PE ALS For " Salaries and Expenses, Board of Tax Appeals, 1931," $3,000 . CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION f Arch itec t of the Cap- Board of Tax Ap. peals. For " Salaries, Civil Service Commission, 1931 : " For salaries, ci vil ser vice $6,800 ; salaries of field force, $4,920 ; in all, $11,720 .

mLasion . For " Salaries and Expenses, Civil Service Commission, 1931," exa mina tion of Pre side ntia l P ostm aste rs, $480 . Total,, Civil Service Commission, $12,200 . COMMISSION OF FINE ARTS For " Expenses, Commission of Fine Arts, 1931," $100 . FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION For " Federal Trade Commission 1931 " $8,220 .

Feder al Trad e Com- f

mission . GENERAL ACCOUNTING Oh ICE For " Salaries, General Accounting Office, 1931," $35,760 .

Office . Accounting SMITHSO NIAN INST ll U 11O N For " Salaries and Expenses, Smithsonian Institution, 1931," $380 . u Smithsonian Institn- For " International Exchanges, Smithsonian Institution, 1931," $160. Com° Com,aicsion of Fine Arts .