Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/170

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S EVE NTY- FIR ST C ONGRESS . SEss . II. CH. 92. 1930 .

127 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR For con tingent ex penses, De partment of the Inter ior, $106 .06 . For protecting public lands, timber, and so forth, $25 .95 . For Geological Survey, $7 .71 . For Yellowstone National Park, $15 .23 . For Wind Cave National Park, $19 .44. For general expenses, Bureau of Education, $45 .25. For edu cation of natives of Alaska, $ 22 .50 . For Saint Elizabeths Hospital, $13 .35 . For Army pensions, $103 .08. For general expenses, Indian Service, $225 .69 . For tel egraphing and teleph oning, Ind ian Service, $2 .80 . For purchase and transportation of Indian supplies, $44 .91 . For relieving distress and prevention, and so forth, of diseases among Indians, $170 .13 . For expenses, sale of timber (reimbursable), $7 .80. For Indian schools, support, $747 .38 . For Indian school transportation, $6 .41 . For surveying and allotting Indian reservations (reimbursable), 88 cents . For Indian boarding schools, $167 .65 . For Indian school buildings, $2 .62 . For Indian agency buildings, $5 .01 . For support and civilization of Indians, $640 .41 . For bridge across Colorado River near Lee Ferry, Arizona (reim- bursable), $98,284 .08 . For industrial work and care of timber, $209 .84. For industry among Indians, $2,939 .94. For maintenance and operation, irrigation system, Fort Peck Res- ervation, Montana (reimbursable), $878 .44 . For irrigation systems, Uintah Reservation, Utah (reimbursable), $103 .97 . For irrigation system, Fort Peck Reservation, Montana (reim- bursable), $56 .28 . DEPARTMENT OF JUSTI CE For salaries, Department of Justice, $52 .50. For contingent expenses, Department of Justice, $356 . For print ing a nd bi nding, Depa rtmen t of Justic e and cour ts, $222 .90. For det ection and prosecuti on of crim es, $21 .8 1 . For salaries, fees, and expenses of marshals, United States courts, $6,582 .57. For sa laries and exp enses o f distr ict at torneys, Unite d State s courts, $41.50 . For pay of special assistant attorneys, United States courts, $8,000.57 . For salaries and expenses of clerks, United States courts, $55 .45. For fees of commissioners, United States Courts, $631 .80 . For fees of jurors, United States courts, $2,969 .20 . For fees of witnesses, United States courts, $1,846 .64 . For m iscella neous e xpenses, Unit ed Stat es cour ts, $28 8 . 05 . For books for judicial officers, $128 .25 . For United States penitentiary, Leavenworth, Kansas, repairs to bridge across Missouri River, $2,385 .59 . For support of prisoners, United States courts, $1,640 . For support of United States prisoners, $81 .60 . Interior Department . Dep art ment of Ju s- tic e.