Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1725

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I:NTIEX. liii Deer Creek, Miss., preliminary examina- Pa&,e tion of, to be made________________ 939 Deer Point, Fla., time extended for bridg- ing Santa Rosa Sound at___________ 70 Defective Delinquents: Hospital, etc., for, to be established___ 270 Selection of site, cost estimates, etc_ __ 270 Attorney General to have control of institution _____________________ 271 Personnel appointment- ___________ 271 Industries, etc., established_________ 271 Employments of inmates___________ 271 Working capital fund may be estab- l~hed_________________________ 271 Availability oL___________________ 271 Board of examiners to be created; com- position, duties of, reports _______ 271 Transfer of inmates, when sanity re- stored_________________________ 272 Payment of expenses______________ 272 Appropriation authorized____________ 272 Deficiency appropriation for ____ __ _ 1574 Deficiency Act, Fiscal Year 1930, First: Appropriation for- Agriculture, Department of _ _ _ _____ 98 Entomology, Bureau oL _________ 99 Forest Service_ _________________ 98 Plant Industry, Bureau oL _ _ _ ___ 98 Plant Quarantine and Control Ad- min~tration___ __ ___ ___ _____ 99 Alabama, flood relieL ___________ 100 Forest roads and trails_ __________ 99 Arlington Memorial Bridge Commis- sion_________________________ 93 Audited claims__ __ __ __ ___ ______ 126, 131 Civil Service Commission_ ____ _____ 93 Commerce, Department oC ___ _____ 100 Aeronautics Branch_____________ 100 Census, Bureau of the_ __________ 100 Coast and Geodetic Survey _______ 101 Fisheries, Bureau oC ____________ 101 Foreign and Domestic Commercc, BureauoL_________________ 100 Lighthouses, Bureau oL_________ 101 Mines, Bureau oL______________ 101 Navigation, Bureau oL__________ 100 Patent Office____ ___ ___ __ _______ 101 Secretary, Office of the_ _________ 100 Steamboat Inspection Service_ ___ 100 Damage claims__ __ __ __ __ _________ 124 District of COlumbia______________ 96 Architect's office, municipaL _____ 96 Public Weifare, Board of _________ 97 Schoo~________________________ 97 Zoological Park___ _____ __ __ __ __ _ 98 Efficiency, Bureau oL_____________ 93 Executive Office__________________ 93 Federal Board for Vocational Educa- tion_________________________ 93 Deficiency Ad, Fiscal Year 1930, First- PAite Continued. Appropriation for--Continued. Federal Farm Board______________ 93 Federal Trade COmmission_ _______ 94 George Washington Bicentennial Commission__ ____ _ __________ _ 94 Interior Department- _____________ 102 General Land Office_____________ 102 Geological Survey _____ __________ 106 Indian Affairs, Bureau oL_______ 102 National Park Service___________ 105 Pensions, Bureau oL ____________ 105 Reclamation, Bureau of_______ ___ 105 International Trade Exhibition_____ 94 JUdgments, Court of Claims________ 125 United States courts_____ ________ 124 Justice, Department oC _ _ __ __ __ __ _ 106 Attorney General, office of the_ ___ 106 Contingent expenses____ _________ 106 Judicial expenses_____ ___________ 107 Penal and correctional institutions 108 United States courts, expenses oL_ 107 Labor, Department oL____________ 109 Contingent expenses_____________ 109 Employmen. Service_________ ___ 110 Immigration, Bureau of __________ 109 Labor Statistics, Bureau oL ______ 109 Naturalization, Bureau oL_______ 110 Legislative Br!',,1cn of the Govern- ment________________________ 90 Architect of the CapitoL _________ 92 Botanic Garden_ _______________ 92 Government Printing Office_ _____ 93 House of Representatives________ 91 Legislative Pay Act of 1929, in- creasesdueto_______________ 90 Printing, JQint Committee on_ ____ 92 Senate_________________________ 91 National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics_ __________ __ ____ _ 94 Navy Department________________ 110 Construction and Repair, Bureau of_________________________ 111 Contingent expenses_____________ 110 Engineering, Bureau oL_________ 110 Navigation, Bureau oL__________ 110 Secretary, office of the_ __________ 110 Supplies and Accounts, Bureau oL 111 Yards and Docks, Bureau of______ 111 Patents and Designs Board_ ________ 94 Personnel Classification Board_ _____ 95 Post Office Department_ ___________ 111 Chief Inspector, office of the_ __ __ _ 111 Postmaster General, office of_____ 111 First AssistanL____ ___________ 112 Fourth AssistanL_____________ 112 Public Buildings and Public Parks, National CapitaL___ _________ 95