Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/1805

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INDEX. cxxxiii Nanticoke, Pa., appropriation for public PaKe building at__ ________ ___ __________ 900 Nanticoke River, bridge authorized across, at Vienna, Md____________________ 83 Nantucket, Mass., preliminary examina- tion of harbor to be made at_ _______ 934 Nantucket Sound, Mass., improvement of,authorized____________________ 918 Napa, Calif.: Appropriation for public building aL _ 1597 Water supply, purchase of lands to protect________________________ 851 Naphtha, on free list__________________ 680 Naphthalene: Dutyon___________________________ 593 On free list___ _____ ________ ____ __ __ _ 676 Naphthylamine, duty on_______________ 592 Naphthylenediamine, duty on__________ 592 Napkins: Dutyon___________________________ 645 Not specially provided for __ _ ______ 642 Napoleon, Ohio, appropriation for puolic building at___ _________ __ ________ _ 900 Narcissus Bulbs, duty on______________ 636 Narcotic Drugs: Conference on Limitation of, participa- tion expenses authorized_________ 1516 Appropriation for ______________ __ _ 1628 Cooperation of States and executive de- partments in suppressing truffic in_ 587 I>eportation of aliens convicted of il- legal traffic in ________________ . _ 1171 Introduction of, into Federal prisons, etc., a felony ___________________ 390 Investigation, etc" abusive use oL____ 587 Narcotic Drugs Import and Export Act, Federal Narcotics Control Board cre- ated by,abolished________________ 586 Narcotic Farms: Appropriation for expenses oL _______ 348 Control and management oL ______ 586,819 Narcotic Laws: Appropriation for enforcemenL ___ 1079,1082 Violation of, payment for information of_____________________________ 850 Narcotics Bureau. See also Treasury De- partment. Correction in Act creating; effective date of Act_____________________ 819 Created in Treasury DepartmenL_____ 585 Commissioner of Narcotics, appoint- ment; salary; personneL _____ .. ___ _ 585 Federal Narcotics Control Board, abol- ished__________________________ 586 Bureau of Prohibition, transfer of per- sonnelto_______________________ 586 Orders, rules, etc., of, to remain in force until superseded_________ 586 Narcotics Bureau-Continued. PaKe Division of Mental Hygiene, created_ __ 586 Authority, powers, functions, trans- ferred to____ ______ ____ __ _____ 586 Rank of medical officer in charge___ 587 Public Health Service investigations of narcotic drugs_ ________ ________ _ 587 Available to N arcotic8 Commissioner_ 587 Appeals from rules, etc., of Narcotics Commissioner _______ __________ _ 587 Coca leaves, additional importations allowed________________________ 587 Derivatives, etc., of, to be destroyed_ 587 International obligations, discharge of _ 587 Cooperation with States for suppression of abuse of narcotic drugs________ 587 Narcotics Division. See alao Public Health Service. Chief of, designated 8.8 Assistant Sur- geon General___________________ 152 To be known 8.8 Division of Mental Hygiene_______________________ 586 Narragansett Bay, lighthouse depot site on______________________________ 783 NashviUe, Tenn., appropriation for public buildingat____________________ 900,1597 National Advisory Committee for Aero- nautics: Appropriation for expenses of_________ 1366 Printing and binding, transfers of appropriation for_______________ 94 Amount for, increased_____________ 15.55 National Advisory Health Council: Conditional gifts to National Institute of Health upon approval of_:.. _ __ _ 380 Hygienic Laboratory hereafter known 8.8_____________________________ 152 National Anthem, Star-Spangled Banner so designated________ ____ __ __ _____ 1508 National Arboretum, appropriation for maintenance, etc_______________ 426,1256 National Bank. Fort Lewis. Wash., erec- tion, etc., oL_____________________ 774 National Bank Notes, receivable for CUB- ~oms duties_ _ ___ __ __ __ ____ _______ 762 National Banks. See alao Federal Reserve Act. Appropriation for examination oL_ 338,341, 1222 Appointment of receiver for, if banking business discontinued____________ 250 Fiduciary permits, surrender oC ______ 814 Receiver of, may compromise liability of shareholder oL_______________ 74 Redemption of currency _____________ 69 Security given by, upon deposit of State funds with__ __ ___ _________ 809 NationlJl Board for the Promotion of Rifle Practice, appropriation for______ 457,1301