Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/5

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LIST OF PUBLIC ACTS AND RESOLUTIONS OF CONGRESS . Vii Page. Immigration, deported aliens . An Act To amend subdivision (a) of section 1 of the Act entit led "An Act making it a felony with penalty for certain aliens to enter the Unite d St ates of Amer ica unde r ce rtai n con diti ons in v iola tion of law, " ap prov ed Ma rch 4, 1929 . June 24,1929 41 Northern Pacific Railroad land grants . An Act To al ter and am end an Act entitled "An Act granting lands to aid in the construction of a railroad and telegraph line from Lake Superior to Puget Sound, on the Pacific Coast, by the northern route," approved July 2, 1864, and to alter and amend a joint resolution entitled "Joint resolution authorizing the Nort hern Pacific Railroa d Company to issue i ts bonds for the con- struction of its road and to secure the same by mortgage, and for other purposes," approved May 31, 1870 ; to declare forfeited to the United States certain claimed rights asserted by t he Northern Pacific Railroad Company, or the Northern Pacific Railway Company ; to direct the institution and prosecution of proceedings looking to the adjustment of the grant, and for other purposes . June 25, 1929 41 French Republic war indebtedness . Joi nt Resolution Authorizing the postponement of the da te of maturity of the principal of the indebtedness of the French Republic to the United States in respect of the purchase of surplus war supplies . October 17, 1929-_

44 Congressional employees, November, 1929, salaries . Jo int Resolution Authorizing the pay- ment of salaries of the officers and emp loyees of Congress f or November, 1929, on the 27th day of that month . November 21, 1929 45 Pages, Senate and House of Representatives . Joint Resolution To provide for the compensa- ti on of pa ge boys of the Senate and House of Representatives during the entire mon th of November, 1929 . Novem ber 22, 1929 45 ST ATU TE 11-1929-1930 . Bridge, Mississippi River . An Act To extend the times for com menc ing and comp letin g th e construction of a bridge across the Mississippi River at or near Wabasha, Minnesota . December 13, 1929 47 Income tax, 1929 . Joint Resol ution Reduci ng rates of income tax fo r the calend ar year 1929 . December 16, 1929 47 Airports Commission . Joint Resolution To amend the joint resolution establishing a Joint Commission on Airports, approved March 4, 19 29 . December 16, 1929 48 Insular reorganization commission . Joi nt Resolution Amending Public Resolution Numbered 108, Seventieth Congress . December 16, 1929 48 Congressional salaries, December, 1929 . Joint Resolution Authorizing the payment of salaries of the officers and employees of Congress for December, 1929, on the 20th day of that month . December 16, 1929 48 France, war debt . An Act To a uthor ize the settlement of the indebtedness of the Fre nch Republic to the United States of America . December 18, 1929 48 Radio Commission . An Act Continuing the power s and authority of the Federal Radio Com mi ss ion under the Ra dio Act of 1927, as amended . December 18, 1929 50 Naval conference at London . Joint Resolution To provide an appropriation for expenses of participation by the United States in the naval conference to be held at London in 1930. December 18, 1929 50 Sup reme Court Buil ding, D.C. An Act To provide for the construction of a building for the Supre me C ourt of the United States . December 20, 1929 51 App ropri ation s, em ergen cies . Joint Resolution To provide additional appropriations for the Department of Justice for the fiscal year 1930 to cover certai n emergencie s . Decem- ber 20, 192 9 52 Bridge, Holston River . An Act G ranti ng the co nsent of C ongre ss to Kno x Cou nty, Ten- nessee, to construct, maintain, and operate a free highway bridge across the Holston Riv er at or ne ar McBees Ferry in Kn ox County, Tennessee . December 21, 1929-_-

52 Bridge, Clinch River . An Act Granting the consent of Congress to Knox County, Tennessee, and Anderson County, Ten nessee, to construct , maintain and opera te a -free highway bridge across the Clinch River at or near Solway in Knox county, Tennessee . Decem- ber 21,1929 52 Appropriation, Mediterranean fruit fly . Joi nt Resolution Making an emergency appropria- tion for the control, prevention of the spread, and eradication of the Mediterranean fruit fly . December 21, 1929 53 Veterans' Bureau hospitals, etc . An Act To authorize an appropriation to provide additional hospital, domiciliary, and out-patient dispensary facilities for persons entitled to hospitalization under the World War Veterans' Act, 1924, as amended, and for other purposes. December 23, 1929 53 Chip pewa India ns, Minn ., per capita payment . An A ct Providing for a p er capita payment of $25 to each enr olle d me mber of the Chippewa Trib e of Minnesota from the funds stand ing to their credit in t he Treasury o f the United States . December 23, 1929__

54 Pan American Union Building, D. C. Joint R esolution Amending t he Act entitled "An Act authorizing the erection for the sole use of the Pan American Union of an office build- ing on the square of land l ying between Eightee nth Street, C Street , and Virginia Av enue nor thwe st, in the city of Washington, District of Columbia," appr oved May 16, 1928 . December 23, 1929

55 Bridge, Columbia River . An Act To ext end the time for com plet ing t he c onst ruct ion ofa bridge across the Columbia River between Longview, Washington, and Rainier, Oregon . December 26,1929 55