Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/552

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SE VENTY-FIR ST CO NGRESS . SESs. II. CH. 407. 1930 . Numbered 1-clerk, $2,760 ; janitor, $1,260 . Elections Numbered 2- clerk, $2,760 ; janitor, $1,260 . Elections Numbered 3-clerk, $2,760 ; jan itor, $1, 260 . Enrolled Bills-clerk, $2,760 ; janitor, $1,260 . Expenditures in Executive Departments-clerk, $3,300 ; janitor, $1, 260. Flood Control-clerk, $2,76 0 ; j anito r, $ 1,26 0 . Foreign Affairs-clerk, $3,300 ; assistant clerk $2,460 ; janitor, $1,260 . Im mi- gration and Naturalization-clerk, 3,300 ; janitor, $1,260 . Indian Affairs-clerk, $3,300 ; assistant clerk, $2,460 ; janitor, $1,260 . Ins ular Aff airs- cler k, $ 2,760 ; ja ni to r, $1 ,26 0 . Interstate and For- eign Commerce clerk, $3,900 ; additional clerk, $2,640 ; assistant clerk, $2,100 ; janitor, $1,560 . Irrigation and Reclamation-clerk, $2,760 ; janitor, $1,260. Invalid Pensions-clerk, $3,300 ; assistant clerk, $2,880 ; expert examiner (Norman E . Ives), $2,700 ; stenog- rapher, $2,640 ; janitor, $1,500 . Judiciary-clerk, $3,900 ; assistant clerk, $2,160 ; assistant clerk, $1,980 ; janitor, $1,500. Labor-clerk, $2,760 ; janitor, $1,260 . Library-clerk, $2,760 ; janitor, $1,260. Mer- chant Marine and Fisheries clerk, $2,760 ; janitor, $1,260 . Military Affairs-clerk, $3,300 ; assistant clerk, $2,100 ; janitor, $1,560 . Mines and Mining-clerk, $2,760 ; janitor, $1,260 . Naval Affairs-clerk, $3,300 ; assistant clerk, $2,100 ; janitor, $1,560 . Patents-clerk, $2,760 ; janitor, $1,260 . Pensions-clerk, $3,300 ; assistant clerk, $2,160 ; janitor, $1,260 . Post Offices and Post Roads-clerk, $3,300 ; assistant clerk, $2,100 ; janitor, $1,560 . Printing-clerk, $2,760 ; j an i to r , $ 1, 5 60 . Public Buildings and Grounds-clerk, $3,300 ; as sist- ant clerk, $1,740 ; janitor, $1,260 . Public Lands-clerk, $2,760 ; assistant clerk, $1,740 ; janitor, $1,260 . Revision of the Laws-clerk, $3,300 ; janitor, $1,260 . Rivers and Harbors clerk, $3,300 ; assistant clerk, $2,460 ; janitor, $1,560 . Roads-clerk, $2,760 ; assistant clerk, $ 1,7 40 ; jan itor, $ 1,260 . Rules-clerk, $3,300 ; ass istant clerk, $2,100 ; janitor, $1,260. Territories-clerk, $2,760 ; janitor, $1,260 . War Claims-clerk, $3,300 ; assistant clerk, $1,740 ; janitor, $1,260 . Ways and Means-clerk, $4,620 ; assistant clerk and stenographer, $2,640 ; assistant clerk, $2,580 ; clerk for minority, $3,180 ; janitors-one, $ 1,5 60 , o ne , $ 1, 26 0 . World War Veterans' Leg islation-clerk, $3,300 ; assistant clerk, $2,460 ; in all, $296,000 . Appropriations in the foregoing paragraph shall not be available for the payment of any clerk or assistant clerk to a committee who does not, after the termination of the Congress during which he was appointed, perform his duties under the direction of the Clerk of the House : Provided, That the foregoing shall not apply to the Committee on Accounts . Janitors under the foregoing shall be appointed by the chairmen, re spect ively , of said c ommit tees, and shall perfo rm un der t he dir ectio n of the Doorkeeper all of the duties heretofore required of messengers detailed to said committees by the Doorkeeper, and shall be subject to removal by the Doorkeeper at any time after the termination of the Congress during wh ich they were appointed . OFFICE OF SERGEANT AT ARMS Salaries : Sergeant at Arms, $8,000 ; Deputy Sergeant at Arms, $3,180 ; cashier, $4,920 ; two bookkeepers at $3,360 each ; Deputy Sergeant at Arms in charge of pairs, pair clerk and messenger, and assistant cashier, at $2,820 each ; stenographer and typewriter, $600 ; skilled laborer, $1,380 ; hire of automobiles, $600 ; in all, $33,860 . Police Force, House Office Building, under the Sergeant at Arms Lieutenant, $1,740 ; nineteen privates at $1,620 each ; in all, $32,520. 509 Clerks subject to Clerk of the House at end of the Congress . Prov iso . Committee on Ac- counts excepted . Janitors . Appointment, etc . Office of Sergean t at Arms. Sergeant at Arms, deputy, cashier, etc . Police, House Office Building .