Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/790

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747 SEC. 564. LIENS.

ADMINISTRATIVE PR O- VISIONS. Lie ns. Whenever a collector of customs shall be notified in writing of the Satisfaction of, for charges, etc ., on fm ° existence of a lien for freight, charges, or contribution in general ports before suit . aver age upon any impor ted merch andise sen t to the appraiser 's store for examination, entered for warehousing or taken possession of by him, he shall refuse to permit delivery thereof from public store or bond ed wareho use until proof s hall be p roduced t hat the sai d lien h as been satisfi ed or di scharged . T he rights of the United n ot G O•e prejudiced rights thereby . States shall not be prejudiced or affected by the filing of such lien, nor shall the United States or its officers be liable for losses or dam- ages consequent upon such refusal to permit delivery . If merchan- goods . of forfei ted disc, regarding which such notice of lien has been filed, shall be forfeited or abandoned and sold, the freight, charges, or contribution in general average due thereon shall be paid from the proceeds of such sale in the same manner as other lawful charges and expenses are paid therefrom . SEC. 565 . CARTAGE .

Cartage . Goods to be taken to The cartage of merchandise entered for warehouse shall be done warehouse by licensed by cartmen to be appointed and licensed by the collector of customs cartmend and who shall give a bond, in a penal sum to be fixed by such col- lector, for the protection of the Government against any loss of, or damage to, such merchandise while being so carted . The cartage Fo a pprais er r era's stores at stores, etc . of merchand ise desig nated fo r examin ation at the appr aiser's stores and of merc handise t aken int o custod y by the collecto r as unc laimed shall be performed by such persons as may be designated, under contract or otherwise, by the Secretary of the Treasury, and under su ch regula tions for the pro tection of the own ers ther eof and of the revenue as the Secretary of the Treasury shall prescribe . Part V-Enforcement Provisions

Enforcement pro- visions . SEC. 581. BOARDING VESSELS .

Boarding vessels . Tre asury officia ls Officers of the customs or of the Coast Guard, and agents or other mayboardvesselwithin persons authorized by the Secretary of the Treasury, or appointed four leagues of coast . for that purpose in writing by a collector may at any time go on board of any vessel or vehicle at any place in the United States or within four leagues of the coast of the United States, without as well as within their re spectiv e distri cts, to examine the mani fest an d to Pow ers and duties of. inspect, search, and examine the vessel or vehicle, and every part thereof, and any person, trunk, or package on board, and to this end to hail and stop such vessel or vehicle, if under way, and use seizure, etc ., for vio- all necessary force to compel compliance, and if it shall appear that lations of law . any breach or violation of the laws of the United States has been committed, whereby or in consequence of which such vessel or ve hicle, or the merc handise, or any p art there of, on b oard of o r imported by such vessel or vehicle is liable to forfeiture, it shall be the duty of such officer to make seizure of the same, and to arrest, or, in cas e of esca pe or at tempted escape, to pursu e and arr est any pe rson eng aged in s uch brea ch or vi olation . Officers of the Department of Commerce and other persons author- commerce officials may board vessels to ized by such department may go on board of any vessel at any place e nforc enavig ationla ws . in the United States or within four leagues of the coast of the United States and hail, stop, and board such vessels in the enforce- ment of the navigation laws and arrest or, in case of escape or at tempted es cape, pur sue and a rrest any person e ngaged in the breach or violation of the navigation laws .