Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/802

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SEVENTY-FIRST C ONGRESS . SEss . II. CH. 497 . 1930 .


ADM INIS TRAT IVE PRO- VISIONS. Fore ign la nding cer . The Secretary of the Treasury may by regulations require the tiacates . production of landing certificates in respect of merchandise exported Production of, may be required of exports, from the United States, or in respect of residue cargo, in cases in orresiduecargo. which he deems it nece ssary fo r the pr otection of the revenue . SEC . 623. SECURITY .

Security . (a) BoNns .-I n any c ase in which bo nd or other security is not Collectors ma y re- quire, necessary pro- specifically required by law, the Secretary of the Treasury may by tection of revenue, etc . regulations require, or authorize collectors of customs to require, such bonds or other security as he, or they, may deem necessary for the protection of the revenue and to assure compliance with the cus toms law s and regulations . Exc ept a s othe rwise spec ifical ly fo meamounts, atc. to provided by law, whenever a bond is required by law or regulations, the Secretary of the Treasury may by regulations prescribe the con- ditions and for m of suc h bond, provide for the approval of the sure- ties thereon (without regard to any general provision of law), fix the amount or pe na lty thereof, wh eth er for the payment of liqui- dated damages or of a penal sum, and authorize the cancellation of any such bond, in the event of a breach of any condition thereof, upon the payment of such lesser amount as he may de em sufficient. No condition in any such bond shall be held invalid on the ground that such condition is not specified in the law authorizing or requiring the taking of su ch bond . Whenever a bond is required by the customs bo dtoWooers is laws or regulations, the Secretary of the Treasury may authorize the importations . execution of a single bond the conditions of which shall extend to and cover similar cases or importations over a period of time, not to exceed one year, or such longer period as the Secretary of the Treas- ury may fix to meet the circumstances of any particular case . (b) D EPOS ITS IN Lmu OF BONDS .-The Secretary of the Treasury is Federal securities ac- (b)

in lieu of bonds. authorized to permit the deposit of money or obligations of the United States, in such amount and upon such conditions as he may by regulations prescribe, in lieu of any bond required by the provisions of the c ustoms l aws, or by regul ations p romulgate d thereu nder . SEC. 624 . GENERAL REGULATIONS.

General regulations . In addition to the specific powers conferred by this Act, the Secre- tary of the Treasury is authorized to make such rules and regula- tions as may be necessar y to car ry out t he provis ions of this Act . Miscellaneous Pro- Pa rt VI -Mis cell aneo us P rov isio ns


Customhouse brok- ers. a REGU LATI ONS FOR LICENSING.-The Secretary of the Treasury Regulations for - ()


y eensing, to be pre - may prescribe rules and regulations governing the licensing as CUs- scribed. tomhouse brokers of citizens of the United States of good moral characte r, and o f corpor ations, associat ions, and partner ships, and may requ ire as a conditi on to th e granti ng of any license , the sh ow- ing of such facts as he may deem advisable as to the qualifications of the applicant to render valuable service to importers and exporters . No such license shall be granted to any corporati on, asso ciation, or Licen s to cor pora - partnership unle ss licenses as c ustomhouse broke rs have been issu ed tions limited . se to at least two of the officers of such corporation or association, or two of the members of such partnership, and such licenses are in force . Any license granted to any such corporation, association, or partner- Revocatio n on fail ure t ohaver equisi telice ns- ship shall be deemed revoked if for any continuous period of more ees ° than sixty days after the issuance of such license there are not at le ast two officers of such corpora tion or associat ion or t wo membe rs of such partnership who are qualified to transact business as custom-