Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/855

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SEV ENT Y- FIR ST CONGRESS . SEss . II. Cn. 606. 1930. county, or municipality in the United States or Canada while in the discharge of their duties or municipal police or fire departments when engaged in the proper work of any such department . Maintenance, n nototma,earn, mandatory . or ferries, SEC. 6 . No thing he rein co ntained shall r equire the comm ission or its successors to maintain or operate any ferry or ferries purchased hereunder, but in the discretion of the commission or its successors any ferry or ferries so purchased, with the appurtenances and prop- erty th ereto c onnected and be longing , may be sold o r otherw ise dis - posed of or may be abandoned and/or dismantled whenever in the Ferry tolls, judgment of the commission or its successors it may seem expedient so to do . The commission and its successors may fix such rates of toll for the use of such ferry or ferries as it may deem proper, sub- Allo cated to main- ject to the sam e conditions as ar e hereinabove requ ired as to tolls for sinking n ing etc ., et ferries, traffic over the bridge . All tolls collected for the use of the ferry sinking fund, etc . or ferries and the proceeds of any sale or disposition of any ferry or ferries, shall be used, so far as may be necessary, to pay the cost of maint ainin g, r epair ing, and opera ting the same, and any r esid ue Record of ecpendi. thereof shall be paid into the sinking fund hereinabove provided for acres and receipts, bonds . An accurate record of the cost of purchasing the ferry or ferries , the ex penditu res for maintai ning, r epairing , and o perating the same, and of the daily tolls collected shall be kept and shall be available for the information of all persons interested . igan . Acq u etc ., of American c o Amer ican SEC. 7. After payment of the bonds and interest, or after a sinking interest, after bonds, fund su fficient for su ch payme nt shal l have been pro vided a nd shall etc ., a mortized . be held for that purpose, the commission shall deliver deeds or other suitable instruments of conveyance of the interest of the commis- sion in and to the bridge, that part within the United States to the State of Michigan or any municipality or agency thereof as may By Cana da, etc ., of be autho rized b y or pur suant t o law to accept the sam e (here inafter Canadian interest . referred to as the United States interests) and that part within Canada to the Dominion of Canada or to such Province, municipal- ity or agency thereof as may be authorized by or pursuant to law to Conditions . accept the same (hereinafter referred to as the Canadian interests), tinder the condit ion that the brid ge shall thereafte r be free of tolls and be properly maintained, operated, and repaired by the United States interests and the Canadian interests, as may be agreed upon

If acquisition un- but if e ither t he Unite d State s intere sts or the Cana dian in terests authorized, wmmis- sion to continue owner. Shall not be authorized to accept or shall not accept the same under ship, etc° such conditions then the bridge shall continue to be owned, main- tained, operated, and repaired by the commission, and the rates of tolls shall be so adjusted as to provide a fund of not to exceed the amount necessary for the proper maintenance, repair, and operation of the b ridge a nd its a pproach es under econom ical man agement , until such time as both the United States interests and the Canadian up on la ter convey. interests shall be authorized to accept and shall accept such con- ance, ferries to be sold, veyance under such conditions . If at the time of such conveyance, the commission or its successors shall not have disposed of such ferry or ferries, the same shall be disposed of by sale as soon as practicable, Preference to Cana . at such price and upon such terms as the commission or its successors dian interests .

may determine, but in making any such sale preference shall be given to the Canadian inte rests and thereaf ter to the United States interests Great Lakes Bridge before any sale ex cept to such respe ctive interests . Commission created .

SEC . S. For the purpose of carrying into effect the objects stated in this Act, there is hereby created the Great Lakes Bridge Com- Rights at law . mission, and by that name, style, and title said body shall have per- petual succession ; may contract and be contracted with, sue and be sued, implead and be impleaded, complain and defend in all courts of law and equity ; may make and have a common seal ; may pur- chase or otherwise acquire and hold or dispose of real estate and other property ; may accept and receive donations or gifts of money