Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/896

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS . SESS . II. Cias. 833, 834 . 1930 .

853 shall be added to the amount unpaid a penalty of one-half of 1 per centum of the amount unpaid on the 1st day of each month thereafter so long as such default shall continue, such penalties being in addition to the interest provided in section 3 . The provisions of any contract executed hereunder may be enforced by suit or by the foreclosure of any lien in th e manner auth orized by the State laws ap plicable in similar cases . In addition to other remedies the Secretary, in any P paym en t e tyfo of inst all - contract

ins lt ia tall- contract executed hereunder, may provide that in case of default meat ° for more than twelve months in the payment of any installment, the control, operation, and maintenance of the project may, in the dis- cretion of the Secretary, b e assumed by the United Sta tes and the delivery of water withheld until payments are duly made in accord- ance with the contract requirements .

Funds withheld SEC . 5 . No funds shall be appropriated for the purposes herein pending investigation, authorized until investigation and examination shall have been made etc ° of all pertinent conditions surrounding such project and until the Secretary has made a report of his finding in writing to Congress that in his opinion by the action proposed the project can and will be placed upon a sound basis from a financial and economic standpoint so that the funds so used and advanced will be returned to the United States . SEC . 6 . The Secretary is authorized to perform any and all acts do ss. and to make and en force all n eedful rules and regula tions for effectuating the purposes of this Act . Appro ved, July 3, 1930 . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the President of the United States is her eby authorize d, upon the jo int recom- mend atio n of the Sec reta ries of the Inte rior and of Agri cult ure, to add to the Lassen Volcanic National Park, in the State of California, by Executive proclamation, any or all of the lands within sections 3 and 4, township 29 north, range 6 east ; and sections 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, and 36, township 30 north, range 6 east, Mount Diablo meridian, not now included within the boundaries of the park Prov ided , That no privately owned lands shall be added to the park prior to the vesting in the United States of title thereto . SEC . 2 . That the provisions of the Act of June 10, 1920, known as the Federal Water Power Act, shall not apply to any lands added to the Lassen Volcanic National Park under the authority of this Act . SEC . 3 . That nothing herein contained shall affect any vested and accrued rights of ownership of lands or any valid existing claim, location, or entry existing under the land laws of the United States at the date of passage of this Act, whether for homestead, mineral, rights of way, or any other purposes whatsoever, or any water rights and/or rights of way connected therewith, including reservoirs, con- duits, and ditches, as may be recognized by local customs, laws, and decisions of courts, or shall affect the right of any such owner, claim- ant, locator, or entryman to the full use and enjoyment of his land . Approve d, July 3, 19 30 . Enforcing contract . Report to Con gress . and regula- July 3, 1930 . CHAP . 834.-An Act To pro vide for the addi tion of certain lands to the [H . R. 105821 Lassen Volcanic National Park in the State of California .

[Public, No . 507 .1 Lassen Volcanic Na- tional Park, Calif . Land addition to, authorized . De script ion . Proviso. Privately owned lands excepted . Water Power Act not applicable. Vol . 41, p. 1063. U.S . C.,p. 441. Prior rights not prej . udiced .