Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/905

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SEV ENT Y-FI RST CONGRESS . SEss . II . Cn. 846. 1930 . Ex ecuti ve . law rohib ition , etc ., Investigation of enforcement of prohibition and other laws : For Investigation, etc ., of. continuing the inquiry into the problem of the enforcement of the Vol. 45, p. 1613. proh ibit ion law s of the Uni ted Sta tes, tog eth er w ith enfo rcem ent of other laws, pursu ant t o the provi sions there for co ntaine d in the Fi rst Deficiency Act, fiscal year 1929, to be available for each and every object of expenditure connected with such purposes notwithstanding the provisions of any other Act, and to be expended under the authority and by the direction of the President of the United States, who shall report the results of such investigation to Congress, together with his recommendations with respect thereto, fiscal year 1931, $250,000, together with the unexpended balance of the appro- priation for these purposes contained in the First Deficiency Act, fiscal year 1929, which shall remain available until June 30, 1931 . Oil lands in former naval

Protection of interests of the United States in leases on oil lands reserves,

' Expenses, canceling in former naval reserves : For expenses arising in connection with leases, etc. Vol .43,p.5. carrying into effect the public resolution entitled "Joint resolution directing the President to institute and prosecute suits to cancel certain leases of oil lands and incidental contracts, and for other Vol, 43, p.16. Une xpende d bal- purposes," approved February 8, 1924 (43 Stat, p . 6), and the public a ncesr eappro priat ed . resolution entitled "Joint resolution to provide an appropriation for Vol. 45, p .1625 . the prosecution of suits to cancel certain leases, and for other pur- poses," approved February 27, 1924 (43 Stat . p . 16), the unexpended balances of the appropriation of $100,000 for the fiscal year 1930 contained in the Second Deficiency Act, fiscal year 1929, and of the appro priati on of $90,0 00 con taine d in t he Fi rst De ficien cy Ac t, fis cal year 1928, and continued available until June 30, 1930, by the Second Defic iency Act, f iscal year 1929, are h ereby conti nued a vaila ble un til June 30, 1931 . Naval oil reserves of C alifo rnia .

Protection of interests of the United States in matters affecting Expenses establish- oil lands in former naval reserves : For additional amount required mg title to, for compensation and expenses of special counsel and for all other expenses, including employment of experts and other assistants at such rates a s may be auth orized or ap proved by the President, i n connection with carrying into effect the joint resolution directing the Secretary of the Interior to institute proceedings touching sec- tions 16 and 36, township 30 south, range 23 east, Mount Diablo sec- Vol . p. ii.

m eridian, app roved Februar y 21, 1924 (4 3 Stat . p . 15), fisc al years 1930 and 19 31, $40, 000, to be expe nded by the Pre side nt . d uff uff service retirement individual records, Individual records, civil service retirement and disability fund service and disability fund. F or the prepa ration and ma intenance by the departme nts and inde- pendent establishments of the individual record of deductions made f rom the sala ry of each em ployee for cr edit to the civil service Ante, p. 476 .

retirement and disability fund required by section 12 (a) of the Act Allocation to execu- approved May 29, 1930, fiscal year 1931, $150,000 : Provided, That t ive d epart ment, etc . the President, in his discretion, is authorized to allocate such portions of this amount as he may deem to be necessary to any executive department or independent establishment for credit to appropriations Report' available for personal services in the District of Columbia, printing and binding, and the procurement of mechanical equipment : Pro- vided further, That a report of the amounts so allocated shall be made in the Budget for the fiscal year 1932 . Board of Tax Ap- pears . EXECUTIVE BOARD OF TAX APPEALS ing inting and bind- For an additional amount for-printing and binding for the United Vol. 45, p. 1233.

States Board of Tax Appeals, fiscal ears 1930 and 1931 $10 000 . Ante, p. 232 .


