Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 1.djvu/962

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919 Taunton River, Massachusetts, in accordance with the report sub- Taunton River, mitted in House Document Numbered 403, Seventy-first Congress, second session . New Haven Harbor, Connecticut, in accordance with the report New Haven, Conn . submitted in House Document Numbered 686, Sixty-ninth Congress, second session . Bridgeport Harbor, Connecticut, in accordance with the report Bridgeport, Conn . submitted in House Document Numbered 281, Seventy-first Congress, second session, and subject to the conditions set forth in said document . Housatonic River, Connecticut, in accordance with the report H•usato nic River, Conn . submitted in House D ocument Numbered 449, Seventieth Congress, second session, and subject to the conditions set forth in said document . Thames River, Connecticut, in accordance with the report sub- Thames River,Coon . mitted in Rivers and Harbors Committee Do cument Numbered 14, Seventy-first Congress, second session . Connecticut River, above Hartford, Connecticut : There is author- above Hartford Cv

River , Conn. ized to be expended upon the project reported by the Chief of Engineers under date of April 24, 1930, and printed in Rivers and Harbors Committee Document Numbered 36, Seventy-first Con- gress, second session, subject to the conditions set forth in said report, the s um of $1,000 ,000, and su bject t o the furthe r cond itions Bulkley Bridge not that the Bulkley, or Memorial, Bridge across the Connecticut River toIbocd`saa m . at Hartford shall not be disturbed, and that the lock and dam descr ibed in th e re port as to be built near the city of H artfo rd shall not be constructed so near said city as to in any way disturb Location barred . city improvements or otherwise interfere with the said city . Port Chester Harbor, New York, in accordance with the report Port Chester, N . Y . submitted in Rivers and Harbors Committee Document Numbered 23, Seventieth Congress, second session, and subject to the conditions set forth in said document .

Eas t Rockaway, East Rockaway (Debs) Inlet, New York, in accordance with the N .Y . report submitted in house Document Numbered 19, Seventy-first Congress , first s ession, a nd subjec t to the conditio ns set fo rth in sa id Proviso . document : Provided, That no expense shall be incurred by the No expense, etc . United States for the acquiring of any lands required for the purpose of this improvement . Hudson River Channel, New York, in accordance with the report Hudson River, N . Y . submitted in House D ocument Numbered 450, Seventieth Congress, Proviso . second session : Provided, That the provision attached to the recom- Channel improve . mendation in said document that no work shall be undertaken on mentsmodified . this project until the City of New York shall have removed the extensions beyond the pierhead line of Piers 54, 59, and 60 is hereby waived . Manhasset Bay, New York, in accordance with the report submitted N Yanhasset Ba y, in House Document Numbered 452, Seventieth Congress, second ses- sion, and subject to the conditions set forth in said document .

New York, N. Y. New York Harbor, New York, Anchorage Channel, in accordance Anchorage channel . with the report submitted in Rivers and Harbors Committee Docu- ment Numbered 18, Seventy-first Congress, second session .

Bay Ridg e and Red Bay Ridge and Red Hook Channels, New York Harbor, New York, Hook channels . in accordance with the report submitted in Rivers and Harbors Committee Document Numbered 44, Seventy-first Congress, second session .

Fast Chester Creek, East Chester Creek, New York, in accordance with the report of N.Y. the Chief of Engineers as submitted in Rivers and Harbors Commit- tee Document Numbered 37, Seventy-first Congress, second session .