Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/17

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LIST OF TREATIES AND CONvr:ENTIONS. International convention to suppress 131ave trade and slavery. Signed at Geneva, September 25, 1926; proclaimed, March 23, 1929 ____________________________________________ _ International convention relating to liquor traffic in Africa. Signed at Saint Germam-en- Laye, September 10, 1919; proclaimed, March 26, 1929 _____________________________ _ Inter-American Conciliation Convention. Signed at Washington, Janu:l.ry 5, 1929; pro- claimed, April 4, 1929 __________________________________________________________ _ Parcel pr ,t convention with Norway. Signed at Oslo, February 28, 1929, at Washington, March 30,1929; approved April 0,1929 __________________________________________ _ Parcel post agreement with Gold Coast Colony. Signed at Accra, March 6, 1929, at Wash- ington, April 2, 1929; approved, April 8, 1929 _____________________________________ _ Arbitration treaty with Czechoslovakia. Signed at Washington, August 16, 1928; pro- claimed, April 12, 1929 _________________________________________________________ _ Conciliation treaty with Czechoslovakia. Signed at Washington, August 16, 1928; pro- claimed, April 12, 1929 _________________________________________________________ _ Arbitration treaty with Sweden. Signed at Washington, October 27, 1928; proclaimed April 15, 1929 _________________________________________________________________ _ .Arbitr~tion troaty with Denmark. Signed at Washington, June 14; 1928; proclaimed Apnl 17, 1929 _________________________________________________________________ _ Arbitration treaty with France. Signed at Washin&ton, February 13, 19:<:8; proclaimed April 22, 1929 _________________________________________________________________ _ Arbitration agreement with the Netherlands. Signed at Washington, February 27, 1929; proclaimed, April 26. 192~L _____________ _______________ ______________ ___________ _ Supplementary extradition convention with France. Signed at Paris, January 15, 1929; proclaimed, May 9, 1929________________________________________________________ _ Arbitration treaty with Norway. Signed at Washington, February 20, 192H; proclaimed, June 7, 1929 __________________________________________________________________ _ Extradition treQty with Poland. Signed at Warsaw, November 22, 1927; proclaimed June 18, 1929 _________________________________________________________________ _ Arbitration treaty with the Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes. Signed at Washington, January 21, 1929; proclaimed, June 22, 1929 _________________________________________________ _ Conciliation treaty with the Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes. Signed at Washington, January 21, 1929; proclaimed, June 22, 1929_____________________ . _________________________ _ Parcel post c0nvention with Indochina. Signed at Hanoi, April 5, 1929, at Washington, July 3,1929; approved, July 12, H}29 ____________________________________________ _ Parcel post agreement with Leeward Islands. Signed at Antigua, May 27, 1929, at Wash- ington, July 11, lQ29j approved, July 18, 1929 ____________________________________ _ Arbitration treaty with Bulgaria. Signed at Washington, January 21, 1929; proclaimed, July 22, 1929__________________________________________________________________ _ Conciliation treaty with Bulgaria. Signed at Washington, January 21, 1929; proclaimed July 22, 1929__________________________________________________________________ _ Arbitration treaty with Rumania. Signed at Washington, March 21, 1929; proclaimed July 22, 1929__________________________________________________________________ _ Conciliation treaty with Rumania. Signed at Washington, March 21, 1929; proclaimed, July 22,1929_ , __ __ __ __ __ __ - ___________


_ International treaty providing for the renunciation of war. Signed at Paris, August 27, 1928; proclaimed, July24, 1929________:.. ________________________________________ _ Arbitration treaty with Hungary. Signed at Washington, January 26, 1929; proclaimed, July 24, 1929______ - -- --- -- -- -- ---- -------- -- - - -- ------- - -------- --- .. -


_ Conciliation treaty with Hungary. Signed at Washington, January 26: 1929; proclaimed, July 24, 1929__________________________________________________ --- _____________ _ Arbitration treaty with Ethiopia. Signed at Addis Ababa, Januar~' 26, 1929; proclaimed, August 7, 1929 _____________________ --- ---- - - -- - - - - -- ----------- _______________ _ Conciliation treaty with Ethiopia. Signed at Addis Ababa, January 26, 1929; proclaimed, August 7, 1929 _____ ----- - - ---- -- - - -- - - ---- ------ -- -- ---- ---------- ____________ _ Parcel post agreement with ECl!ador. Signed at Quito, July 11" 1929, at Washington, August 6, 1929; approved, August 14, 1929 _______________________________________ _ Reciprocal claims convention with Mexico extE'nded. Signed at Mexico City, September 2, 1929; proclaimed, October 16, 1929__________________ ._ __ __ _ __ _ __ __ _ __ _ __ __ _ __ _ __ _ Pao14:21, 18 January 2013 (UTC)rS\8,0r9i9:TarmstroBot (talk)-~!~~-~:~::--~~g~e-~-~t-14:21, 18 January 2013 (UTC)TarmstroBot (talk)'_~~:o_b_e~_TarmstroBot (talk)_~~:14:21, 18 January 2013 (UTC)r~~_e_d~ Reciprocal special claims. convention with Mexico extended. Signed at Washington, August 17, 1929; proclaWled, October 31, 1929 ____________________________________ _ xvii Page. 2183 2199 2209 2226 2247 2254 2257 2261 2265 2269 2274 2276 ~278 2282 2293 2297 2301 2321 2332 2334 2336 2339 2343 2349 2353 2357 2368 2378 2393 2397 2417