Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 46 Part 2.djvu/27

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SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS. SESS. II . Cns. 154-157. 1930. 1635 CRAP. 164.-An Act For the relief of Capt.ain George G. Seibels, Supply April 14, 1930. Corps, United States Navy. -...;:[Hz:.~R=:,-.309=~7'7J.-- - [Private, No.8.] Be it enacted by the Senate and HOU8e 01 Representatives 01 the United ~tate8 of A.merica in Congr~8s assembl~d, That the G~neral Beft!Ys~~av~~rge G. Accountmg Office IS hereby authorIzed and dIrected to credIt the Credit allowed in 80- accounts of Captain George G. Seibels, Supply Corps, United States countsol Navy, in the amount of $2,778.01, which sum represents payments made to Aviation Chief Machinist's Mate Willie Perry Conway, Fleet Naval Reserve, for retainer pay during the period from Octo- ber 1, 1922, to June 30, 1926, disallowed by the Comptroller General in StatEment of Differences M-23367-N, dated August 4, 1927. Approved, April 14, 1930. Aprll14, 1930. CRAP. Ib6.-An Act For the relief of Captain Chester G. Mayo, Supply ---; -., ;["" ,H- ,-, .R:";"' -,;30 98~.] ;,.-_ Corps, Ur ited States Navy. [Private, No.9.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House 01 Representatives 01 the C tai Ch te G United States 01 Arnerica in Congress a8semhled, That the General Ma;~,.N~VY. es r . Accounting Office. is hereby authorized and directed to credit the co~~I~r~owed in8()o accounts of Captam Chester G. Mayo, Supply Corps, United States Navy, in the amount of $2,994.38, which sum represents the aggregate of payments made by said officer on voucher numbered 8419 for $2,400 paid February 23, 1922, under department contract numbered 3069 (Yards and Docks numbered 4301); on voucher numbered 3334 for $164 paid March 3, 1922; on voucher numbered 162 for $3 paid September 5, 1922; on voucher numbered 5182 for $275 paid July 3, 1922; on voucher numbered 3820 for $15 paid August 11, 1920; and on voucher numbered 4708 for $137.38 paid August 28, 1922, which payments were subsequently disallowed by the Comptroller General. Approved, April 14, 1930. April 14, 1930. CRAP. 166.- An Act For the relief of Captain P. J . Willett, Supply Corps, --.",[:;::H:=: ,'R2 .~ 3~ 10 0 .. :. .; '~ ]-.- United States Navy. [Private, No. 10.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House 01 Representatives 01 the . United States 01 Arne1'ica in Congress assernbled, That the Generallet~aI?t:~~. P. J . wu· Accounting Office is hereby authorized and directed to credit the c're~itrallOWed in 80- accounts of Captain P. J . Willett, Supply Corps, United States coun o. Navy, in the amount of $250, which amount represents payments made by Lieutenant Commander Willett, Supply Corps, United States Navy, during the period from March 16, 1914, to August 8, 1914, at the naval station, Hawaii, on account of a 1aborer who was fraudulently carried on the yard rolls during said period, which payment was subsequently disallowed by the Comptroller General...' and to pay him $201.89, the amount otherwise due him for refund of taxes illegally collected, which was applied to reduce the abave indebtedness, and the amount necessary is reappropriated from the appropriation to which the collection was credited. Approved, April 14, 1930. Aprll14, 1930. CHAP. 167.- An Act For the relief of Lieutenant Arthur W. Babcock, Supply [H. R. 3101.] Corps, United States Navy. -""[P~n7'·v":"";at'"'"e,~N:;-='()=:.1' -: -1....] - Be it enacted by the Senate and House 01 Representatives 01 the United States 01 America in Congress a~sernbled, That the General Lieutenant Arthur A . Offi.hb h'ddd' d d' h W.Baboock,Navy. ccountmg ce IS ere y aut orIze an Irecte to ere It t e Credit allowed in all- accounts of Lieutenant Arthur ,\V. Babcock, Supply Corps, United counts ol