Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/1051

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INDEX. 95] Claims. Claims. A claim of William P. Gibbs, executor of Jose li M. Har ert hav a. 'ud m s. Benjamin Gibbs of Kentucky, for a linnl field, - P. 0 . G .1 Q cnt &55s5 settlement certificate, to be paid, - 504 Benjamin Shcrfey to be repaid the amount Judgments against the marshal of the eastern , of a military fine collected, - . 555 district of Pennsylvania, to be paid, audi Claims of the United States on the late firm J.·and W. Lippmeott &. Company to be. of Minturn and Charnplin to be compropard, - -_ ---· 510 ; mised, . . . . . . 555 Payment for makmgaroad from Little Rock The claim of John Kimbcrlin for provisions to Cantonment Gibson, to Jam »·» L. Daw. { furnished to volunteers, to be paid, . 556 son, . .··-- 513 , John Horne and Sons, of New York, to have Repayment of money illegally demandedl their claims for an illegal seizure of teas from E. T. Warren, one of the suretie of I adjusted, ..-.. 556 Daniel Evans, ··-- 513 The claim of Philip Hickey for timber, &.c., Don Carlos Dchault Delassus to be paid for to be paid, ----- 557 moneys taken at the capture of Baton The claim of Haggerty and Austin For an Rouge, - · --·· 5l3 illegal seizure of teas, to be adjusted, 557 Payment to Heman Allen, marshal of Ver- The claim of Thomas Richardson for goods mont, of fees, ----- 514 purchased by soldiers, to be paid, - 558 Christopher Brooks to be paid for apprehend. Samuel Thompson to be paid for blankets, mg a mail robber, ·-·- 514 558 Rebecca Blodget to be puid in full for her° Hazleton and Palmer to be paid for extra. dower in the general posboflice, - 517 work at a light-house near Portsmouth, Guy W. Smith to be allowed on account for 558 money stolen, ---· 517 John Thompson to be paid for materials and Moneys erroneously paid to Pierre Leglize,labor at the public works at Gosport, 558 to be refunded, ·--- 517 John Webber to be paid for extra labor in Two thousand dollars to be distributed to taking the census at Madawaska, - 560 Thomas I·Ioldup Stevens and others, cap- Francis Barnes to be paid the diiference in` tors of s. pirutieal felucca, - - 518 the price of whiskey between the contract The claims of Robert C. Jennings, and the price and the sum paid by the navy agent executors of James Roddy, to be cttled, at Baltimore, -.--- 564 522 John Percival, Master and Commandant in Bartholomew Shaumburgh to be paid for mo. the navy, to be paid money expended in ney advanced to the troops of the United the public service, -··- 564 States, ·. 523 Aaron Bellamy to be paid for a vessel lost in Sarah Easton and Dorothy Storer, heirs of the public service, ---- 564 Col. Harrison, to be paid interest on his Charles Burkhum and others to be paid for commutation, ---·- 524 services as spies, --·- 565 Commissioners toexamine the claims of Nim- Payment of damages to the administrators rod Farrow and Richard Harris, on a con- of Samuel Burr, ---- 568 tract to erect a fortress on Dauphin Island, Joseph Guedry repaid money paid for land, 526 568 The claim of Archibald W. Hamilton, for Joel Byington to be paid for the occupation property purchased for the quartermaster- of his property during the late war, 568 general’s department, to be paid, - 545 Philip Bcssom to be pai for bringing seamen The claim of Benjamin Goodwin, for the oc- · to the United States, · - - 569 cupation of a house and wharf during the Payment of the amount of awards for injuries revolutionary war, to be paid, · - 545 , done to property in Florida by the United Further allowances to Alexander Claxton for l States, ..---- 569 hi expenses in the case of the ship James The representatives of Christian Ish to be Mitchell, ---·- 546 paid for certain certificates, - - 570 Certain payments refunded to Lieutenant Payment made by Baptiste Jeansoune and Ramsay, ----- 546 } . P. Petre for land, to he repaid, - 570 The claims of Farish Carter for salt pur- 1 The value of two loan olliec certificates to be chased from him, to be paid, and his ac. ‘ liquidated, and paid to the heirs of Michael count settled, .---- 547 Gratz, ..-.-. _ 571 Excess of money paid by William Stewart George Elliott to be paid for services in the for land, to be repaid to him, - - 550 removal of the Cherokccs, . - 572 Lieutenant Harvey Brown to be paid a. com. Terence Le Blanc to be paid for land sold by pensation for quarters not furnished, 551 the United States by mistake, - - 572 Interest to be allowed to James Barnett on The representatives of John Thompson, jun., his commutation, -·-· 551 i to be paid for his services as clerk, - 572 George Chinn to be allowed for rations asi John Winslett to be paid for n. wagon and lieutenant of a revenue cutter, - 553 horses impressed for the service of the Russell Hunt and others to be paid on ac- United States in 1816, . - · 573 count of anchors, .-·- 554 Walter Livingston to be paid for his claim Edward Willett or his heirs to be paid inte- on the United States under an award of test on a bill drawn by B. Shambaugh, 554 referees, · - - _ - · - 573 Richard Bagnalhexecutor ol`Jamcs Vaughan, ] Ascl Wilkinson to be paid extra pay for his to be paid for brick, - - . 554 services on board the squadron commanded