Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/1056

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956 INDEX. Congress. i Diplomatic Expenses. Allowance to James Mathers, Sergeant-nb Allowance for services of lviillllm Cormiurms of the Senate, · - - 38 chase], - ·-·-- Bl. The representatives of \Villiam Findlay to be Payment of u balance due to him, . 34 paid his compensation as a member of . A credit allowed William Tazewell, · 40 Congress, ----- 621 Allowance to Stephen Sdyrc ns Secretary of The travelling expenses of Robert P. Lctnher Legution, ----· 65 and Thomas P. Moore, claiming seats in Moses Young to be paid as agent of claims, Congress, to be paid, - · - 684 55 C0Py_HgM· lliossgollfoting to be paid as Secretary of C<>i>y—ri¤*¤¢ ¤F·T¤l·¤ R¤~=*·=¢*¤X¢¤¤d¤d· 389 Tl; accdunts of wamm 1}. Luorcncv lute TM Mt l·° °°mi““° mc "°PY"lghl· °f 1**%; churgé des U.lTD.ll'US at London; of Jitmes Rowlcu “m°“d°d• ‘‘ _4 Barbour, lute secretary of legution at S“l’l’]"m°“l l° the “°t to exlcnd the °°PY'"gM London ; \Villium Radcliff, lute consul at to J°h“ R°wl°"• '‘ 897 Lima.; and of William H. D. C. Wri rh t. t. Coun; De G,-Mn_ liute eonsul of the United States at Rings ·s h_ aneiro, to be settled, - - - 6 Paggggem ··¤“_"·¤* *}·¤¤Si¤<’ d01M *j> **· 5*·*·¤,, Alam,. Sm to be paid r... services .¤ Appropriation for his daughters, - 31 T,;°2?E_al :E?(:s:;Jr$3?,;°;?a{0 Le p'.d 43E n s r ai o Creek Rcscrua!i0*ns. passage money .--- 288 All the rights the United States possess under Edwin Bartlett, (lonsul at Lima, to be paid reservations of lands by the Creek treaty for diplomatic expenses, - - - 894 vested in each occupant, - · - 323 Account of the representatives Iof Colonel °··'”"·”··~ ·# T~¤*=··’ *"··*·**· .iFi3'$.};§`1'LF'F;tZZZ`°,TI3`?,¥"IL'5E`€L§"§2'£` Supplcmcnlmlhc “°l °fJVlY·_1838·°h“P•l88• vices during the revolution, to be settled to encourage the cultivation of tropical and paid _____ 514 Pkmlsv ‘' 819 John Randolph Clay T. P. Barton, T. L. L. Damages fw nrmm cqprws. g¤i¤¢» md G¤¤rg¤ F- Br<>w¤. to be mid Mr Appropriations for damages For capture of the Thggggzgg :;l;.;;fS'as S`m m` I té 6.67 A¤·¤’·**'·*=¤"¤ by ·=¤P**¤ Mw- - 47 im to Brazil to E3 cnré`.} Em? all WL'IIZ" Alexander Murray to be paid the damages made ’ ’ 0 745; for capture of the Charming Betsey, 56 ChMl€s’S {V l A Hd' t. Damages in the case of the Flying Fish, 63 chu é h,;S? zwci ccmpansa mn,];; Jurcd Shattuck to be paid damages for the J Inlg nd I Z Cl n `Ea n‘d` t. capture of the ship Mereattor by captain On; cha tjg, H._iay__? OKC .c°mP€nm,;,g2 Mulcy, _ _ _ _ _ _ 116 Ed ergo n or rc. m ussm, . o mund Roberts allowed salary as charge Damages to Properly by the Indians. d'uH`nires, with outfit as the diplomatic The representatives of John Scott to be paid agcnt of the Upilvd Sl¤·l·¤$ t<>C¤¤l¤i¤ Cllimi. damages done by cmigruting Indians, 855 Muscat mid Siam. _- - _- - 759 David M. Hughes, Charles Shipman, and The lvgal represcntatives of Wrlliam Tudor- John Henderson, to be paid for damages to to be ¤u0“'€d fc? hrs $0TVlC€$ in Peru. their property by the Creek Indians, 849 760 James Alexander and Ira. Nnsh to be paid for Thc salary Of ii Consul und ugcnt of Chims deprcdntions committed by the Sac and '*ll°“’€d l0 Duvscomb B1'¤-flilwd, - 793 Fox Indians, . 659 John Randolph Clay to be paid for diplomatic Debts M the United Sm,". services as secretzxry of lcgatiou ut Viennaé A clnim on the Commercial Hank of Luke The representatives of Daniel Brent, laite Erie wbcccmprorniscd, - - - 473 U. S. consul at Paris, to be paid for the Interest gm public moneys r¢l¤¤S¢d to the diplomatic services of Daniel Brent, 901 Louisville Savings Institution, . 756 _ _ Richard Coke and others released from lin- D*“"“"§`* fmm b”P¤80¤1M¤f· bilitics as surctics of Peyton A. Southégl, gobcrt Sturgeon discharged, . . 40 5 onion Boston dischztrqcd, · - 42 Demurragc. Samuel Lewis, sen., disehnrgcd, . - 43 Demurrzxge allowed on ship Grand Turk, 51 L““'*`c“€° Efb dl$€h¤l'§¤d. · - - 45 Daniel Cotton allowed for detention and de- J°l_l“_Y(’*l* l0 b° dlschmgcdl - - 57 murragc ofship Anna. Marin, . - 80 lvllililm Hcurn to be discharged, . 64 Payment to Joseph Forrest for demurragc on Dfmml S- Dcxlc" *0 di chargcd, - 66 the schooner William Yeuten, - 323 Gllbul D*'”k° E0 be d¤S¤h¤¤'g¤d. — - 66 Damn _ John Heard discliurged from imprisonment, ' · 86 Stoehl, &,c., in Detroit, granted to the coglol: Joseph Wilkinson, jun., discharged from im. ru ion, .- .1 prisonment, . 86 Disposition of the residue of the military re- Edwnrd Beamont to be discharged from imserve, ---. 315, 346 prisonment, .-... 79