Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/1082

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982 INDEX. Private Land Claims. Private Lund Claims. Land scrip to be issued to John Kirkpatrick, The representatives of Nathaniel Shaver an- 597 thorized to locate a tract of land, - 675 John Wi1son's title to land in Missouri, con- Josette Beaubien and her children allowed to iirmed, --~·-- 603 relinquish certain lands, and enter others, A duplicate land warrant to be issued to Evan 676 Edwards, ·---- 604 Elijah Simmons authorized toenter a tract A lot of eight acres of land granted for public of land, ··--- 677 purposes to the borough of Michillimacki- I Samuel Smith and others, friendly Creek Innac, ·----- 607 ; diana, authorized to locate a tract of land A land warrant to be issued to Robert Hailc, in Alabama, ·-.-- 677 605 Susan Marlow, s. Creek Indian, authorized to Silas D. Fisher authorized to locate a section enter a tract of land in Alabama, 678 of land, a reservation under the treaty ofLand title confirmed to Joseph Sorin, for land Dancing Rabbit Creek, - - · 607 in Missouri, -·..- 679 Lemuel Tanner, assignee of Pierre Duiiesne, A section of land in the territory of Michiauthorized to locate s. tract of land in gan, conGrmed to the heirs of James Ab- Louisiana, ----— 613 hott, --·-—- 679 A lot in the city of Washington to be con- J. Alrnsn authorized to relinquish a tract of veyed to James Young, - - - 613 land sold at Vincennes, Indiana, and enter Richard T. Archer authorized to purchase a another, -·-.-- 650 tract of land in the state of Mississippi, George Woolsey authorized to relinquish a 614 tract of land sold at Vincennes, Indiana, Land patents to issue to William O’Neal and and enter another, -·-- 680 R. Morrison, for lands in Indiana, 614 Tobias Crum authorized to relinquish a tract William Pennington may select a quarter of land in Indiana, and enter another, 680 section of land in Illinois, - - 615 The right of James Bradford, of Louisiana, The sale of land belonging to the University to a tract of land confirmed, - - 681 of Michigan, authorized, - - 615 The title of James Baldridge to a tract of Daniel Kincaid's land title confirmed, 618 land in the state of Missouri, confirmed, A patent for a tract of land to issue to Daniel 682 Smith, of Morgan county, Indians, 640 The decisions of the register of the land James Caulfield authorized to enter land in officc in New Orleans, relative to the claims Alabama, ..--- 640 for certain lands in Louisiana, with excep- Benjamin and Nancy Merrill authorized to. tions, confirmed, -·-- 682 sell a tract of land held under treaties with · Norman Holt entitled to a tract of land in the the Cherokees, ---- 641 , Vincennes land district, on surrendering Archibald Small allowed to enter a tract of E another tract, ·--- 684 land in Indiana, ---- 642 Andrew Knox may purchase a sectionof land The provisions of the act of March 24, 1824, in the Choctaw district, . - - 685 for the relief of John Donelson and Stephen ? A section of land in the Choctaw district re- Heard, extended, ---- 643 · served for school , Dsyid Browning may relinquish s. tract of z A halflsection of land in the state of Illinois land in Missouri, and enter another, 643i to be set apart for Catharine Myott, to Abraham Forbes, a spy in the late war, may q which she is entitled under the provision enter atract of land, - - - 647i of the treaty made at Prairie du Chien, A patent to issue to David J. Talbot for a quar- { 689 ter-section of land in Missouri, - 660} Land claim in Louisiana conirmed to the The right of the United States to s certain heirs of Michael Dragon, · - 689 tract of land in the territory of Michigan, So much of the`act of 1836 as restricts relinquished to Thomas F. Reddick, 661 1 Samuel Smith and others, Creek Indians, Land in the state of Missouri, conhrmed to \ to one section of land, repealed, and Susan John Howell, ·--· 662 Marlow and others authorized to enter, Erroneous numbers of sections of land, westl without payment, six hundred and feng of the river Tombeckbe, to be corrected,, acres of land each, · - - 6 664 ¥ John Jeffers may surrender u. land certificate Patents issued to William Crawford andi for land in Alabama, and receive another Henry Newman, to be corrected, - 664 { therefor, ---·- 690 A patent For land in the territory of Michigan i A patent for land in Mississippi to be issued to issue to Thomas B. Clarke, 667{ to Green Pryor, and the heirs of Peter Antonio Scgura and others, authorized toi Pryor, - - . • - - 693 enter a tract, of land on Red river, Louisi-I The representatives of Isaac Williams auana, - ··--- 668 thorized to enter certain lands in the state The heirs of William Conway authorized to of Mississippi, ...· 693 locate two tracts of land, . . 668 A patentto be issued to James Keytes for land The trustees of common schools, in township in Missouri, in lieu of s. certain other eight, &,c., in Mississippi, authorized to patent, .--.·- 694 locate a tract of land, - . - 673 David Browning may relinquish a tract of A grant of land to the heirs of M. de la Ca- land in the state of Missouri, and enter rcra, in West Florida, confirmed, - 673 , another, . - . - 643