Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/1086

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986 INDEX. Private Land Claims. Prize Money. The heirs of Christopher Miller, of Kentucky, officers andcrcw of the late private armed authorized to enter land, · - 929 brig General Armstrong, - - 603 A patent for land in Michigan to issue to Prize money to be paid ftoOMarga]r>et Dpugh- J se h C m u ·--- 930 erty, representative 0 wen pug erty, Theocliim dr Sltimiley White, to land in Indi- for ltxheéraptufraispf Algerine vessels restorgg ana confirmed - _ - - - 939 to the ey o giers - - - 9 Joseph Summers’and John Allen allowed to The widow and representatives of John withdraw certain entries and transfer pay- Tilden allowed so ppesent thpir claims lic ments, - - - - 191 prize money un er the act re ating to the The claim of'.Anthony Cavalier and Peter sloop-oflwar Wasp, .·-- 792 Petit to a tract of land, confirmed, - 238 Jesse Seymour allowed to present his claim, Land title of John O’Conner confirmed, 239 793 John M’Grew and others confirmed in their Allowance of prize money to David Robinson claims to land in Alabama, - · 246 and others, for capturing the privateer Ly. The representatives of Henry Willis author- dia in 1813, ...-- 747 ized to enter a tract of land in lieu of two . Payment of wages and prize rfnoney ga Heriry other tracts claimed - - - 246 ichardson, under the act o April 0,18 6, Certain credits to be given to James M’Far-é chap. 65, relating to the late officers and land for payments for land, - - 266 crew of the Wasp, ---- 769 i Jarius Loomis and the heirs of James Basset Private Land G,-ang, t to be allowed certain prize money, . 778 - · ; Lieutenant John E. Bispham allowed prize Grant of a township of land to the Connectl- · . . cutmyium for teaching the deafumi dumb, money for the capture of a piratical feluugiiié 229 _ "‘ A patent for land to be granted to Henry 4 P""?"'? d”””Z/6d by F""· B“l·m*·“» ····· 230 _ Claim of John Crosby and John Cro by, jun., P M n for property destroyed by fire, to be settled, rize amy. 167 Prize nioney to the captors of Moorish armed PffPp¢1'¢y Mkm by the United SHN68- vesse s, --·--- 54 S ip · i a i, · Prize money to Lieutenant·Colonel William uguihc `iiyiiiietclgi gimispmd for pnjputq takig L¤w¤·=¤¤<»=· of uw valuc °f uw Sl°°P‘°£“'" Claim of Paul D. Butlei· for property used by P Hermes and the schooner Active, - 159 the militia to be setiigd, _ _ _ 172 roceeds of sale of boats captured to be dis- w·ii· ° · tributed to Pharaoh Farrow and others, 169 , I mm Townsend to be paid for an {mcg;? Claim of United States to property captured l M M·ii i _ by G. T. Ross, Daniel T. Patterson, and 1 Mzggn; 5:- isixg tg xxi: $-1, $::0% wig; °th°'S· "li“q“i“h°d '·° themv‘ 171 by the United States near New Orleans Agents to be appointed to disburse the prize 4 uf money allowed to George T. Ross and I P uic La ds Daniel T. Patterson and others, - 185u n ' Distribution of the proceeds of the schooner Mistake in an entry of land made by James Retaliation --··- 147 Aikman to be corrected, · - - 197 John D. Carter to be paid his portion of the A lot in New Orleans granted to the goverprize money for the_ capture of the ship J nor of the state of Louisiana, - - 108 Mandarin, ----- 248 . J. Dufour and his associates all ed Joseph Smith of Alexandria to be paid prize five years to pay for public lands opvurmoney due to his slave, - - - 331 chased, .. 126 Prize money to be paid to Thomas Douty Title to a lot in New Orleans confirmed to for capture of Algerine vessels in 1815, 359 the New Orleans Navigation Company, Joseph Smith, of Alexandria, to receive the 161 wages and prize money of his slave, who Sale of a lot of ground in the town of Knoxwas on board the Wasp, - - - 310 ville authorized, ---· 161 The legal representatives of John Coleman to Sale of a tract of land in Ohio, reserved for be paid prize money for the capture of Bri- the use of the state, authorized, - 161 tish vessels on Lake Champlain, - 592 Lot granted to the New Orleans Navigation Prize money arising from the capture of the Company, ..--- 144 British fleet on Lake Champlain,to be paid James Shields to have a preference in the to the representatives of Joseph Rowe, 563 = purchase of certain land, - - 249 William Nelson&,and others to be paid 5%; Bounds of a tract sold John Cleves Symmes, prize money, c. ---- 1 Representatives ofHenryRichardson, Samuel Adjustment of land titles in Detroit, - 62 Stout, and Lieutenant John Rudd to be Sale of" land in Tennessee and Indiana, 98 paid prize money, ---- 672 Land in Ohio granted to Anthony Shane, Payment to Barbara Paulas of prize money 149 of John Zeabold, seaman of the Wasp, 294 Interest of the United States in lands of the Payfngpt of iprliie money to the representatzpg raal estlzite of filgmes Maxwell released to o war core, -.-. the nep ews o ames M .ll - 168 Prize money to be distributed among the Title to lots in Perrysburg dhilvgrbghansville