Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/347

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SIXTEENTH CONGRESS. S1:ss.I. Ch. 78, 79, 80,81. 1820. 247 Office, a patent or patents shall issue in favor of said legal representatives. Avrrtovrxb, May 8, 1820. '—'"""‘ Srwrura I. CHAP, LXXV1II.—-An Act for the relief of Stephen Baxter, lalepaymaster of the M3? 8, l820· third regiment of New York volunteers. `_"""`—' Be it enacted, &c., That the proper accounting officers of the treasury department be, and they are hereby, authorized and empowered Accounts to to settle the accounts of Stephen Baxter, late paymaster of the third l’° S°“l°d· regiment of New York volunteers, upon the principles of justice and equity; and to allow him such credits as may appear due for moneys advanced to the troops in the service of the United States: Provided, Promo however, That the allowance as aforesaid shall not exceed the amount · advanced to him by the government of the United States, APPROVED, May 8, 1820. STATUE L May 8, 1820. CHAP. LXXIX.-An Act for the relief of Charles BZ Jones, and Richard Buckner, "";**‘ jun., administrators of William Jones. Be it enacted, nsw., That Charles S. Jones and Richard Buckner, geicased from jun., administrators of William Jones, late collector of the direct tax liability for for the twenty-third district of Virginia, be, and they are hereby, re- S“""l"l"S'· leased and discharged from any liability for the sum of seven hundred and forty-seven dollars and forty-five cents; this sum being for stamps for which the estate of William Jones, deceased, stands charged on the books of the commissioner of the revenue, which stamps were lost during the absence and detention of the said William Jones from home, occasioned by an accident that deprived him of his life. APPROVED, May 8, 1820. ~——— Srnutrr: I. CHAP. LXXX. —An Act for the relief of Daniel Bickley and Catharine Clark, May 8, 1820. administratricc of John Clark, deceased. """ Be it enacted, dec., That there be paid to Daniel Bickley and to Catherine Clark, administratrix of John Clark, deceased, out of any Tgbg ,,.,;,1;},,, money in the treasury, not otherwise appropriated, the sum of two thou- ¤m0¤¤¤ <>Y¤ bill sand two hundred and fifty dollars, being the amount in value of a bill §£,;°;$,hE;€ie of exchange for twelve thousand francs, drawn the twenty-ninth day of U. S minister May, Anno Domini, one thousand eight hundred and five, by the Minis- gn Ffa?';; l¤ ter Plenipotentiary of the United States in France, upon the treasury ,;,`;Em;?kl°Y of the United States, in favor of Bickley and Clark, and recorded in the office of the first auditor of the treasury, number seventy : Provided, Provisc. always, That, before the said payment shall be made as aforesaid, security be given, to the satisfaction of the Secretary of the Treasury, to indemnify the United States against any claim that may be made on account of the said bill of exchange. APPROVED, May 8, 1820. .._. Sryruri: I. CHAP. LXXXI.-An Act for the bene/it of the Columbian Institute, established May 8· 1820 for the promotion of .0rts and Sciences in the city of Washington. Be it enacted, &c., That there be granted, during the pleasure of Congress, to the Columbian Institute for the promotion of Arts and Tm *ls° °l`}‘°* Sciences the use and im rovement of a tract of public land in the cit i exceeding T8 > ll P .i acres of ground of Washington, not exceeding Five acres, to be located under the direc- granted to the tion of the President of the United States, for the purpose of enabling ;j°lE‘,"‘b“*" the said Columbian Institute to effect the object of their incorporation: nsw1w' Provided, That whenever the said Institute shall be dissolved, or cease Proviso. to exist, or to employ the said tract of land for the purposes aforesaid,