Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/352

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252 SIXTEENTH CONGRESS. Sess.I. C1~1.l24, 128,129. 1820. Allowance Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That the legal and equitable allow. made not to cx- ance so to be made, shall not exceed the balance which is due to the ,‘;F,f;‘,§’;8b§w United States; nor shall any allowance, so ascertained, be passed to his ’ ° credit, unless the administrator shall forthwith pay such remaining balance, if any, as shall, upon said settlement, be found to be due and owing from the said Conrad Laub. Amntovmn, May 15, 1820. 8111-0-11: I. "_"" May 15, 1g2O_ Cum. CXXl'V.—-An dctfar the relief of Thomas Leqaer, Be it enacted, qc., That there be paid to Thomas Leiper the specie To be paid the value of four Loan Office Certificates, numbered two thousand eight ”l¤° °*`¤i?<l°¤¤ hundred and ninety-nine, two thousand nine hundred and four, two gf: ‘$3,H` thousand nine hundred and five, two thousand nine hundred and six, intcrdst. and issued by the Commissioner of Loans for the state of Pennsylvania, in the name of Thomas Leiper, on the twenty-seventh day of February, seventeen hundred and seventy-nine, for one thousand dollars each; and also the specie value of two Loan Office Certificates, numbered two thousand nine hundred and sixty, and two thousand nine hundred and sixty-one, issued by the Commissioner of Loans for the state of Pennsylvania, on the second day of March, seventeen hundred and seventy- uine, for one thousand dollars each; which certificates appear to be outstandin on the books of the treasury; with interest, at six per centum, annuahy; out of any money in the treasury, not otherwise appro- P\'0Vi¤¤· priated; Provided, That the said Thomas Leiper shall iirst execute and deliver to the Comptroller of the Treasury a bond of indemnity, in such sum, and with such security, as shall be satisfactory to the said Comptroller. Ammovmn, May 15, 1820. Snrucrn I. `“;` May 15, 1820_ Can. CXXVIH.—.ttn Act for the reliy of the legal representatives of Tenth -—————- Frzmcis, deceased. Bc it enacted, &·c., That the proper accounting officers of the trea- Awmm. mba sury department be, and they are hereby, authorized to audit and settle m,l,.,d_ the accounts of Tench Francis, deceased, late purveyor of public supplies, in such manner and upon such terms, as may appear just and rea- Proviso. sonable: Provided, That the sum to be credited to said Francis, after charging him with all payments made to any person or persons for his use, shall not exceed the sum standing to his debit in the books of the treasury. Approved, May 15, 1820. Srrrruru I. ———— May 15, 1820. Cun. CXXIX.-dn Act for the relief of Joshua Mwsm, Peter Crook, and """""""" James Rabb. Bc it enacted, ef-c., That the proper accounting officer of the treasury Cl,,;,,, fc,. department be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to audit and horses impress- settle the claims of Joshua Newsom and of Peter Crook, for two horses °d‘° ba “°“l°d· each, and of James Rabb, for seven horses, alleged to have been im- I-•,.0yl,,_ pressed into the public service in the Seminole war; Provided, That such impressment, and the value of said horses when impressed, be satisfactorily proved; that said horses were not returned to their owners; and that any compensation which may have been allowed and paid for ahe segvice of said horses, after the time of their impressment, be deucte . Appropriation, Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the amount thereof, when ascertained as aforesaid, be paid out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. . Approved, May 15, 1820.