Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/695

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TlVENTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. 1. Ch. 235, 236, 237, 23S, 239. 1834. 595 Srnuwx I. Crmp. CCXXXV. —-An ./Zcl foe the relief of the widow and heirs of Captain y,,,,,,, 30, 18;% Willravn Raya l, deceased. —-——————;———- Be it enacted, &c., That the Secretary of War shall cause to be paid to Anne Royall, the widow, and to the heirs of the late William Royall, Five years' tive years’ full pay, as a captain from the state of Virginia, on the con- full PFW mh; tinental establishment during the revolutionary war, in lieu of half pay gggaikzfo ° for the life of said 1Villiam. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the said amount of live years’ How_to be full pay shall be paid to the said widow and heirs, in such proportions "PP°'“°“€d· as will conform to the laws of Virginia for the distribution of the personal estate of persons dying intestate; and that said payments be made out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. Approved, June 30, 1834. i Srrnurs I. CHA?. CCXXXVI. -An .A'et_ to remurzcrale Stephen Phillips, for the support yum 30, 1834l and transportation of shipwrecked American seamen. ——-——————— Be it enacted, &e., That the sum of twenty-two hundred and forty- three dollars and ninety-three cents be paid, out of money in the trea- Payment for sury not otherwise appropriated, to Stephen C. Phillips, of Salem, in E*{‘"‘,‘EQ$"°€g d the state of Massachusetts, to indemnify him for the expense of main- A;.,;iC,,,;€:,,,; taining at the Fejee islands, and of transporting from thence to Manilla, men. twenty-six American seamen, of the officers and crews of two American vessels which had been wrecked and lost at the said Fejec islands in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-one. Amrnovnp, June 30, 1834. """‘”‘ STATUTE I. Crux-. CCXXXVlI.—An det for the relief of James Noble. Jung 30, 1834_ Be it enacted, &·c., That the proper accounting officers of the treasury department be, and they are hereby, directed to audit and settle Claims to be the claims of James Noble, to pay as acting lieutenant, from the tenth augllzd an? day of March, eighteen hundred and thirty, to twenty-second of August, $3,;,, §,s,yl;u` eighteen hundred and thirty-one, and from first December, eighteen navy. hundred and thirty-one, to the fourteenth of February, eighteen hundred and thirty-two, upon the same principles upon which like claims were settled previous to the date of the order of the Navy Department in relation to such claims, and bearing date the tenth March eighteen hundred and thirty. Approved, June 30, 1834. `”‘ Snrun: I. CHAP. CCXXXVIII.-An del for the relief of Jonathan MZ Blaisdell. June 30, ],834_ Be it enacted, rye., That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he hereby is, authorized and directed to pay, to Jonathan M. Blaisdell, out payment to of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of himthree hundred and sixty-eight dollars, being one moiety of a judgment recovered by mistake against him, by the United States, and the interest thereon. A1-rizoven, June 30, 1834. ···—··*‘ Srrirura I. CHAP. CCXXXIX.—.An Aet for the relief of Peter 11[ills. Jima 30, ]834_ Be it enacted, ¢$~e., That Peter Mills, assignee of Joshua Sprague, he, and he is’hereby authorized to locate three hundred and twenty acres Authorized to of land in legal subdivisions, on any land of the United States, subject l<>€¤\9l6·¤d· to entry at private sale, in satisfaction of an equal quantity ofland, viz.