Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 65.djvu/1134

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Army, Department of the—Continued. ^"^® Training, appropriation for 433 Transfer of land, etc., to other Government d e part m e n t s or agencies, repeal of certain provisions 366 Transportation, Office of Chief of, appropriation for 436 Transportation Corps, appropriation for 48, 430 Travel of the Army, appropriation for. 48, 427 Trophies and devices, funds for distribution 446 Universal Military Training and Service Act. See separate title. Vessels— Damages caused by, authority to settle claims, etc 572 Transfer authorized 430 Veterans Administration, allotments and transfers of funds from, authorization 281 War Assets Administration Sales Buildings, St. Louis, Mo., transfer by General Services Administrator 634 Water mains. Federal, outside District of Columbia, appropriation for maintenance and operation 619 Reduction 755 Welfare of enlisted men, appropriation for 48, 427 Working capital fund, restriction on transfer of funds to 429 Army and Navy Hospital, Hot Springs, Ark., appropriation for 432 Army Chemical Center, Md., construction of facilities, authorized 341 Army Map Service, Omaha, Nebr., warehouse, construction authorized 341 Army Medical Center, D. C. and Md., construction of facilities, authorized- 342 Army Medical Library and Museum, appropriation for 431 Army Organization Act of 1950, repeal of certain provisions relating to Air Force 333 Army Reserve and Retired Personnel Service Law of 1940, funds for effecting provisions of 209 Art, National Gallery of, appropriation for. 279 Reduction 755 Art Works Loaned by Nonresident Aliens, estate tax exemption 567 Asia, Assistance to: Appropriation authorized 375, 376 Appropriation for 731 Technical assistance, limitation on use of funds 386 Assignment of Claims Act of 1940, Amendments, defense contracts, set-ofF, etc., of assignor's liability to United States. 41

INDEX Astrophysical Observatory, appropriation ^"^^ for... 279 Atlanta, Ga.: A t l a n t a General Depot, construction of facilities, authorized 340 U. S. Penitentiary, power and heating plants, additional appropriation for replacement; repeal of l i m i t a t i o n.. 55 Atlantic City, N. J., Naval Air Station, construction of facilities, a u t h o r i z e d.. 343 Atomic Energy, Joint Committee on, appropriation for , 390 Atomic Energy Act of 1946, Amendments: Communication of certain restricted d a t a to other nations, authority of the Commission; restrictions 692 Fissionable material, prohibitions relating to 692 Atomic Energy Commission: Appropriation for 48, 269, 743, 761 Increase in limitation for personal services . 743 Assignment of Claims Act of 1940, amendment 41 Compensation of personnel, l i m i t a t i o n.. 270 Construction projects, limitations 270, 271 Contract authorizations, appropriation for 270 Contracts— Defense, financing of 41 Renegotiation of 7 Domestic information functions, availability of funds for compensation of persons performing, restriction.. 767 Fellowships, restriction on conferring on certain persons 283 Military housing insurance, availability to personnel in certain cases 313 Overthrow of U. S. Government, restriction on employment of persons advocating 766 Personnel, restriction on filling vacancies, nonapplicability 743 Renegotiation Act of 1951 7 Salaries and expenses, appropriation for 761 Strikes against U. S. Government, restriction on employment of persons engaging in 766 Attorney General of the United States. See Justice, Department of. Attorneys: Price ceiling exemptions under Defense Production Act 135 United States a t to r n e y s. See Attorneys under United States Courts. Auburn General Depot, Wash., construction of facilities, authorized 340 Auburn Rancheria, Calif., appropriation for purchase of land for Indians of— 742