Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 67.djvu/993

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Commerce, Department of—Continued Page Concurrent Resolutions—Continued Page Weather Control, Advisory Committee Aviation, esteem of Congress for conon, Secretary or designee as member. 560 tribution m a d e by women; t r a n s Commissary Stores. See under Defense, continental air race sponsored by Department of. Ninety-Nines, Inc B61 Commissioners, United States Courts, Capitol r o t u n d a frieze, completion ceremonies B126 appropriation for fees 10, 334 Communist-dominated countries, comCommodity Credit Corporation: mendation and encouragement of Appropriation for 222 struggle for freedom B132 Discharge of indebtedness to Secretary Congress— of the Treasury 222, 223, 224 Adjournment of House B5 F a m i n e relief, furnishing of agricultural Adjournment sine die B134 commodities for; appropriation auE l e c to r a l v o t e s, proceedings for thorized 476 counting B3 International Wheat Agreement— Enrolled bills, etc., signing of, after Availability of wheat and wheatadjournment B134 flour for U. S. obligations under. 358 Joint meeting of t w o Houses B3, B 4 Discharge of indebtedness under 224 Wall maps, printing of copies for use Pakistan, transfer of wheat to 80 of Senate and House of RepreProduction and Marketing Administrasentatives B27 tion, appropriation for reimburseDeclaration of Independence, observm e n t by 218 ance of adoption of, participation Commodity Credit Corporation Charter of Congress B61 Act, transfer of Munitions Board Deportation suspensions BIO, functions to Office of Defense Mobilization 635 B36, B62, B82, B103, B 1 3 4 Commodity Exchange Act, appropriation Fire and Casualty Act, reenrollment and for effecting provisions 218 correction of S. 1839 B61 Commodity Exchange Authority, a p p r o Immigration and Nationality Act, printpriation for 218 ing of additional copies B4 Communicable Diseases, appropriation Inauguration of President-elect, confor prevention and suppression 252 tinuation of joint committee to Communications Commission, Federal. m a k e arrangements B3 See Federal Communications ComIndians, freedom of designated tribes mission. from special Federal supervision Communist Chinese Government, Conand control B132 gressional statement on United Na"Interlocking Subversion in Governtions membership 372 m e n t Department s, " printing of B131 Communist-Dominated Countries, ConLeary, Daniel Robert, rescission and gressional commendation and encourpostponement of action on H. R. agement of struggle for freedom B132 1101 BlO Comptroller General. See General AcMarch, P e y to n C. (Gen.), thanks of counting Office. Congress to B103 Concurrent Resolutions: Marshall, Peter (Rev.), printing of Aliens, granting of p e r m a n e n t residence prayers as Senate document, addis t a t u s to certain B5, B 2 8, B 1 2 6 tional copies B4 American-made goods, publicizing as Netherlands, United Kingdom, and such B126 Belgium, expression of s y m p a t h y Armed Forces, wearing of uniform by for B4 persons honorably discharged; re" O u r American Government, " revision scission of Speaker's action in signing S. 1550 and return of mesa n d printing as Senate document, sage to Senate B27 additional copies BIO 27000 O - 53 - 63