Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 7.djvu/571

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TREATY YVITH THE NEW YORK INDIANS. 1838. 561 being fairly and properly understood and. transacted by all the parties of Indians concerned, and declared to be done to their full satisfaction. I do therefore certify and approve the same. R. H. GILLET, Commissioner. SUPPLEMENTAL ARTICLE To the Treaty concluded at Bufalo Creek, in the State ry' New York, FGb_ I3, 1g3S_ on the 15th ry" January 1838, concluded between Ransom H Gillet, *‘*···—·· commissioner on the part of the United States, and chiefs and head

of the St. Regis Indians, concluded on the 13th day of February

1 ‘ . Supplemental article to the treaty concluded at Bufalo Creek in the State of New York, dated January 15 1838. The undersigned chiefs and head men of the St. Regis Indians re- Asscmog the siding in the State of New York having heard a copy of said treaty S_t. Regis Inread by Ransom H. Gillet, the commissioner who concluded that treaty ?“‘“f *0 the on the part of the United States, and he having fully and publicly ex- ma y` plained the same, and believing the provisions of the said treaty to be very liberal on the part of the United States and calculated to be highly beneficial to the New York Indians, including the St. Regis, who are embraced in its provisions do hereby assent to every part of the said treaty and approve the same. And it is further agreed, that any of the St. Regis Indians who wish to do so, shall be at liberty to remove to the said country at any time hereafter within the time specified in this treaty, but under it the Government shall not compel them to remove. The United States will, within one year after the ratification of this $1000to be treaty, pay over to the American party of said Indians one thousand P*%l<?j_*°th€m dollars, part of the sum of five thousand dollars mentioned in the spe- ,:`£;,l?h;"fagE?r cial provisions for the St. Regis Indians, any thing in the article con- canon of this tained to the contrary notwithstanding. W66W- Done at the council house at St. Regis, this thirteenth day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty- eight. Witness our hands and seals. R. H. GILLET, Commissioner. Lover-taie-enve, Tier-sgane.kor-hapse-e, Louis-tai0·r0ri0-te, Ennios-anus-cia-ka, Michael Gaveault, Louis-te-ganota-to-ro, Lose-sori-sosane, Wise-atia-taronne, Louis-tioonsate, Tomas-outa-gosa, J ok·ta·nen-shi-sa, Sose-te-gaomsshke, Ermoise-gana-saien·to, Louis-orisake·wha, Tomos-tataste, Sosatis-atis-tsiaks, Tier-te-gonotas-en, Tier-anasaken-rat, Tier-sokoia-ni-saks, Louis-tar—0ria~kesh0n, Sa-satis-otsi-tsia-ta-gen, J asen-karato-on. The foregoing was executed in our presence :—.A. K. Williams, Agent on the part of New York for St. Regis Indians. W. L. Gray, Interpreter. Owen C. Donnelly. Say Saree. To the Indian names are subjoined e. mark and seal. We the undersigned chiefs of the Seneca tribe of New York Indians, SGPV 28· 1838- residing in the State of New York, do hereby give our free and volun- Assent of the tary assent to the foregoing treaty as amended by the resolution of the Sinycaiéo the Senate of the United States on the eleventh day of June 1838, and to ainzgcied byme our contract therewith, the same having been submitted to us by Ran- 5mm_ 71