Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 70.djvu/1548

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[70 Stat. XLIV]
[70 Stat. XLIV]



Farm Credit System^—Continued ^*sre F a r m Credit Act of 1956—Continued Production credit system 659 F a r m Credit Administration Appropriation Act, 1957 239 Production Credit Corporations, appropriation for 240 Farm Loan Act, Federal, Amendments 660 Farm Loan Program. See Bankhead-Jones F a r m T e n a n t Act. Farm Safety Week, National, proclamation c24 Farm Tenant Act. See Bankhead-Jones F a r m T e n a n t Act. Farmer Cooperative Service, appropriation for 179, 231 Farmers' Home Administration: Administrative expenses— Single account 1034 Transfer of funds for 802 Administrator, salary 739 Appropriation for 161, 236, 763 Loans, authority to make advances to secure, etc 804 Mortgages, agreements, etc., adjustment of terms 803 Orangeburg School District, S. C, conveyance of United States interest in certain lands to 99 T e n a n t purchase loans and mortgage insurance, equitable distribution. _ 1034 Treasury, loan from 161 Farmers' Home Administration Act of 1946, appropriation for effecting provisions 236 Federal-Aid Highway Acts. See Highways. Federal Airport Act, funds for effecting provisions 315 Federal Bureau of Investigation. See under Justice, Department of. Federal Caustic Poison Act, funds for effecting provisions 427 Federal Civil Defense Act of 1950, Amendment 949 Federal Civil Defense Administration: Administrator, salary 736 Appropriation for 178, 340 Deputy Administrator, salary 737 Surplus property, disposal for civil defense or research purposes 494 Travel expenses and per diem authorized to trainees 949 Warehouse construction or lease, restriction on use of funds for 341 Federal Coal Mine Safety Board of Review, appropriation for 267

INDEX Federal Communications Commission: ^^^^ Appropriation for 164, 178, 341, 685 Automatic radiotelegraph call selectors, investigation, report, and recommendation on installation on certain cargo ships, authorized 967 Chairman, salary 737 Members, salary 738 Federal Crop Insurance Corporation: Appropriation for 179, 236, 238, 678 Manager, salary 739 Federal Crop Insurance Corporation Act, Amendment, administrative expenses; payment from premium income 1034 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation: Board of Directors, Chairman, salary. _ 737 Guam, applicability of Act to 908 Members, salary 738 Federal Employees' Compensation Act: Amendment, Public Health Service and Coast and Geodetic Survey commissioned officers, exclusion 883 Civil Air Patrol, extension to members of. 980 Coast G u a r d Reserve, disability and death benefits 981 Funds for effecting provisions 423 Reserve Officers' Training Corps of Army, Navy and Air Force, injury or death incurred in flight instruction; reimbursement of expenses. 805, 806 Federal Employees' Group Life Insurance Act of 1954, Amendments: Employees receiving disability benefits, coverage extended 213 Gallaudet College employees, extension of coverage to 955 Uniformed services, exclusion from coverage of members 882 Federal Employees Salary Increase Act of 1955, appropriation for effecting provisions 176 Federal Executive Pay Act of 1956 736 Federal Expenditures, Nonessential, Joint Committee on Reduction of, appropriation for 364 Federal Extension Service, appropriation for.. - 179, 231 Federal Facilities Corporation: Appropriation for 95, 690 Tin smelter at Texas City, Tex., disposal 329 Federal Farm Loan Act, Amendments 660 Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation, appropriation for 239 Federal Flood Insurance Act of 1956 1078 Appropriation for effecting provisions. _ 765