Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 70.djvu/640

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[70 Stat. 584]
[70 Stat. 584]


Saving provision. N orm a l promotion.

Active l i s t, increase. 64 Stat. 322.

PUBLIC LAW 737-JULY 20, 1956



This title, other than section 109, does not apply to the appointment of officers of the Medical Corps and Dental Corps. SEC. 107. This title does not terminate the appointment of any officer of the Kegular Army. SEC. 108. The promotion to a higher Regular grade of an officer of the Regular Army, otherwise eligible for promotion, may not be withheld because of an appointment under this title. SEC. 109. Subsection 102(b). Army and Air Force Authorization Act of 1949 (10 U.S.C. 20] (b)), is amended by striking out the words "thirty thousand six hundred" wherever they appear therein and inserting the figure "49,500". TITLE II AIR FORCE

Appointment authority.




Maximum age.

Promotion l i s t. Service r e d i t able. 61 Stat. 883.

SEC. 201. (a) The President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, may appoint commissioned officers in the Regular Air Force under this title. (b) To be eligible for appointment under this title, a person must— (1) be a citizen of the United States; (2) be at least twenty-one years of age; (3) be of good moral character; (4) be physically qualified for active service; and (5) have such other qualifications as the Secretary of the Air Force may prescribe. (c) The Secretary of the Air Force shall convene selection boards, to meet at times prescribed by him, to consider persons who are eligible for appointment in the Regular Air Force under this title. Each board shall be composed of at least five officers of the Regular Air Force. A recommendation for appointment must be made by the majority of the total membership of the board. The President may remove from the list of persons recommended by the board the name of any person who, in his opinion, is not qualified for appointment. (d) Not more than a total of one hundred persons in any calendar year may be appointed and credited with years of service under section 203(a)(2) of this title from civilians, and Reserves of the Air Force who are not on active duty and who have qualifications not otherwise available from members of the Air Force on active duty. SEC. 202. No person may be appointed in a commissioned grade in the Regular Air Force under this title if on the date of appointment he has already passed his thirtieth birthday. However, the maximum age limitation is increased by the period of active commissioned service in the Armed Forces performed after the appointee became twentyone years of age and before his appointment. I n addition, the Secretary of the Air Force niay waive the maximum age limitation for any category in which, in his opinion, there is an inadequate number of officers with the required qualifications, but no person may be appointed under this Act if he is above the age which would permit him to complete twenty years of active commissioned service before he attains his fifty-fifth birthday. SEC. 203. (a) For the purpose of determining grade, position on a promotion list, seniority in his grade in the Regular Air Force, eligibility for promotion, and mandatory retirement or elimination under the Officer Personnel Act of 1947 (10 U.S.C. 506 and the following), a person appointed in a commissioned grade in the Regular Air Force under this title shall be credited at the time of his appointment with the active commissioned service in the Armed Forces that he performed after becoming twenty-one years of age and before his