Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 70A.djvu/456

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398 CHAPTER 573.—INVOLUNTARY RETIREMENT, SEPARATION, AND FURLOUGH Sec. 6371. ll(gul;ir Navy; line rear admirals not restricted in performance of d u t y: continuation on active l i s t; retirement. 6372. Regular Navy; line r e a r a d m i r a l s restricted In performance of duty and stair corps r e a r a d m i r a l s: retention on active l i s t; retirenient. 6373. Rejfular Marine Corps; major g e n e r a l s: retention on active l i s t; retirement. 6374. Regular Marine Corps; brigadier generals not restricted in performance cf d u t y: retirement for failures of selection for promotion. 6375. Regular Marine Corps; brigadier generals designated for supply d u t y: retention on active l i s t; retirement. 6376. Regular Navy, line captains not restricted in performance of d u t y; Regular Marine Corps, colonels not restricted in performance of d u t y: retirement for length of service. 6377. Regular Navy, line captains restricted in performance of duty and stafC corps c a p t a i n s; Regular Marine Corps, colonels designated for supply d u t y: retirement for length of service. 6378. Regular Navy, line captains restricted in performance of d u t y and staff corps c a p t a i n s; Regular Marine Corps, colonels designated for supply duty: continuation on active l i s t; retirement. 6379. Regular Navy, command e r s; Regular Marine Corps, lieutenant colonels: retirement for length of service and failures of selection for promotion. 6380. Regular Navy, lieutenant command e r s; Regular Marine Corps, m a j o r s: retirement for length of service and failures of selection for promotion. 6381. Officers r e t i r e d under preceding sections: retired g r a d e and p a y; general rule. 6382. Regular Navy, lieutenants and lieutenants (junior g r a d e); Regular Marine Corps, captains and first l i e u t e n a n t s: discharge for failures of selection for promotion; severance pay. 6383. Regular Navy and Regular Marine Corps; officers designated for limited d u t y: retirement for length of service or failures of selection for promotion; discharge for failures of selection for promotion; reversion to prior s t a t u s: retired g r a d e; retired or severance pay. 6384. Regular Navy and Regular Marine Corps; officers having less than 20 year s of service: discharge for unsatisfactory performance of d u t y; severance pay; reversion of limited duty officers to prior s t a t u s. 6385. Officers appointed under sections 5231, 5232, and 5787 of this title: g r a d e for purpose of preceding sections. 6386. Suspension: preceding sections. 6387. Regular Navy, male line officers; Regular Marine Corps, male officers: computation of total commissioned service. 6388. Regular Navy; certain stafE corps officers: computation of to t a l commissioned service. 6390. Regular Navy and Regular Marine Corps; officers: retirement a t age 62. 6392. Regular Navy and Regular Marine Corps; officers having less than t h r e e years of service: revocation of appointments; reversion of certain officers to prior s t a t u s. 6393. Regular Navy and Regular Marine Corps; women officers: termination of appointments. 6394. Regular Navy, r e a r a d m i r a l s and commodores; Regular Marine Corps, maj o r generals and brigadier g e n e r a l s: retirement on recommendation of board. 6395. Regular Navy and Regular Marine Corps; officers having less than 20 year s of service: discharge during w a r or emergency for unsatisfactory performance of duty. 6396. Regular Navy; officers in Nurse Corps: retirement for age or length af service; retired grade and pay. 6398. Regular Navy, women command e r s; Regular Marine Corps, women lieutenant colonels: retirement for age or length of service; retired grade and pay. 6399. Regular Navy, women lieutenant commanders and below; Regular Marine Corps, women majors and below: retirement a t age 5 0; r e t i r e d g r a d e and pay. 6400. Regular Navy, women lieutenant command e r s; Regular Marine Corps, women m a j o r s: retirement for length of service; r e t i r e d g r a d e and pay.