Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 73.djvu/1023

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[73 Stat. D53]
[73 Stat. D53]

SUBJECT INDEX Commerce, Department of—Continued ^"^^ M a r i t i m e activities—Continued Ship construction—Continued Deposit of funds in escrow for 272 Nuclear powered m e r c h a n t s h i p. 36 Superliner passenger vessels 203 State marine schools, appropriation for financial assistance 37, 204 W a r risk insurance— Appropriation for 201 Extension of program 266 National Bureau of Standards. See separate title. P a t e n t Office. See separate title. Public Roads, Bureau of. See separate title. Publicity or propaganda, restriction on use of funds for 210 R a m a Road, Nicaragua, transfer of funds from State Department, authorized 186 Report s to Congress— Highway systems in Alaska and Hawaii, recommendations 612 President Adams P a r k w a y, s t u d y. _ 598 W e a the r Bureau. See separate title. World Science-Pan Pacific Exposition (Century 21 Exposition)— Appropriation authorized 486 Appropriation for 723 Proclamation f.64 Commercial Fisheries, propriation for



ap57, 99

Commission and Advisory Committee on International Rules of Judicial Procedure: Appropriation for Extension; final report to Congress Commission of Fine Arts. See Fine Arts, Commission of. Commissioners, United States: Appropriation for fees 45, Service credits for retirement Commodity Credit Corporation: Agricultural Trade Development Assistance Act of 1954. See separate title. Animal fats and oils, disposition outside the United States Appropriation for 36, Cotton, classing, appropriation for reimbursement 36, Cottonseed and soybean oils, purchase. F a m i n e relief to friendly peoples, appropriation for reimbursement - - 35, Feed grains for livestock in emergency areas, sale of agricultural commodities to provide

43 567

192 583

609 177 179 609 178



Commodity Credit Corporation—Con. ^*^® International W h e a t Agreement Act of 1949— Amendment, extension of authority under 600 Appropriation for reimbursement for costs under 35, 178 Price s u p p o r t programs, 1960, limitations 178 Restoration of capital impairment, appropriation for 177 School milk program, increased funds authorized 15, 363 Strategic and other materials transferred to supplemental stockpile, reimbursement 35, 179 Surplus agricultural commodities, reimbursement 606 Tobacco, grading, appropriation for reimbursement 36, 179 Waterfowl depredation, use of surplus grain for prevention of 35, 179, 279 Commodity Exchange Authority, a p p r o priation for 51, 174 Commodity Stabilization Service, appropriation for 35, 174 Communicable Diseases, activities, appropriation for 54, 348 Communications Act of 1934, Amendment, newscasts, equal time provisions to public office candidates, applicability557 Communications Commission, Federal. See Federal Communications Commission. Communism: Communist Chinese Government, congressional statement opposing United Nations membership 720 Labor organizations, prohibition against former m e m b e r s of the Communist party holding office 536 Western hemisphere, restriction on use of funds in order to prevent communist infiltration 717 "Compendium of Papers Submitted on Revision of the Federal Income Tax Laws," printing of additional copies. B21 Comptroller General. See under General Accounting Office. "Concentration in American Industry," printing of additional copies B14 Concurrent Resolutions: A b r a h a m Lincoln Sesquicentennial Celebration— Joint meeting of Congress commemorating B4 Printing of documentary account of events B12 "Administered Prices — Automobiles," printing of additional copies B14