Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 77A.djvu/493

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TARIFF SCHEDULES OF THE UNITED STATES 479 References to T a r i f f Schedules LINSEED (FLAXSEED) 175.18 o i l (see a l s o OILS, FATS, AHD GKEASES) 176.26 LINTERS, COTTON 300.30 LIPSTICK Sch U Pt 7B Hdnte 1; It6l.li0-li5 holders Sch 7 Pt 6A Hdnte 2 (b); 7l;0.05-10 LIQUERS 168.25 LIQUID(S) — e l e v a to r s ( b u c k e t s, chain, screw, band, and s i m i l a r types) 660.90 for p o l i s h i n g and c l e a n i n g 1+93.10 supply or production m e t e r s, and c a l i b r a t i n g or checking meters the r e for 713.05-15 LITERATURE — period i c a l s devoted to c u r r e n t l i t e r a t u r e — 270.65 tourists 270.70 LITHARGE U73.52 leady 1;73.58 LITHITM U15.3O compounds— s a l t s of organic acids 1+26.1;6 stearate ii90.30 other kl9.10 LITHOGRAPHS —

drawn and p r i n t e d by hand 765.10 imported under bond 862.10; 86U.70 for institutions 851.10; 851.10 nspf 27it.50-70 LITHOPONE (pigment) Ii73.72-7U LITMUS, dyeing and tanning p r e p a r a t i o n s 1|.70.05 LOADING MACHINERY 66U.10 LOCKERS (luggage) Sch 7 Pt ID Hdnte 2 (a)(i) LOCK(S) — cabinet 61*6.86-89 - g a t e s, of base metal 652.98 61+6.92 keys 61+6.90 61+6.80-85 padlocks 690.05 LOCOMOTIVES, r a i l LOGS AND TIMBER— rough, s p l i t, hewn, or roughly sided or 200.35 squaredships' logs 710.20-21; 712.10-12 LOGWOOD, dyeing and tanning p r e p a r a t i o n s l+7O.10rl5 708.1a LORGNETTES 1+61.1+0-1+5 LOTIONS, c o s m e t i c 661+. 70 LOUDSPEAKERS LOUPES 708.85 b i n o c u l a r, for eye examination 709.03 LUBRICATING OILS AND GREASES 1+75.1+5-60 LUBRICATION FITTINGS 680.57 LUGGAGE Sch 7 Pt ID Hdnte 2 (a); 706.06-60 f i t t i n g s and mounting, of base metal 61+7.00-10 frames i n c o r p o r a t i n g l o c k s 61+6.90 locks 61+6.90 LUMBER

d r i l l e d or t r e a t e d


Sch 2 Pt IB Hdnte 2 (d); + Hdnte 1+; 202.52; 202.51+ rough, d r e s s e d, or worked Sch 2 Pt IB Hdnte 2(a) hardwood Sch 2 P t IB Hdnte 2 (c); 202.36-1+3 softwood Sch 2 Pt IB Hdnte 2 (b); 202.03-31

References to T a r i f f Schedules LUMINESCEHT LAMPS LUMPS, metal,unwrought LUPINES (see VEGETABLES) LUPULIN LUTIDIHES

687.30 Sch 6 Pt 2 Hdnte 3(a) 192.35 1+01.1(6 M

182.35-36 161.1+3-1+9 61+8.65 S c h 6 P t 1+F H d n t e 1; 671+.30-56 i n t e r c h a n g e a b l e to o l s for Sch 6 Pt 3E Hdnte 3; 61+9.1+3-1+9 MACHINES, MACHINERY, APPARATUS, APPLIANCES, EQUIPMENT, INSTRUMENTS, PLANT— accounting machines 676.15 adding machines 676.23 addressing machines 676.10 aerosol the r a p y, • o r s i m i l a r apparatus 709.1+5 agglomerating machinery for s o l i d mineral f u e l s, ceramic p a s t e, e t c., i n powder or p a s t e form 678.20 a g r i c u l t u r a l or h o r t i c u l t u r a l machinery, and implements nspf 666.00 661.20 a i r - c o n d i t i o n i n g machines analyzing (see "measuring" below) a r t i f i c i a l r e s p i r a t i o n, or s i m i l a r apparatus 709.1+5


assembling machines for electric filament and discharge lamps and electronic tubes

astronomical instruments a t h l e t i c equipment a u to m a t i c a l l y - c o n t r o l l i n g (see "measuring" below) balancing machines ' beverage a e r a t i n g machinery bonded f a b r i c s bookbinding and book-sewing machinery boring machinery for e a r t h s, m i n e r a l s, or ores brazing— e l e c t r i c a l machines and apparatus b r e a t h i n g appliances c a l c u l a t i n g machines calendering (see " r o l l i n g " below) capsuling (see " c o n t a i n e r - c a p s u l i n g " below) c a s t i n g machines, used i n metallurgy and metal foundries checking (see "measuring" below) check-writing machines c i g a r or c i g a r e t t e making cleaning machinery— for b o t t l e s or other c o n t a i n e r s for textile m a t e r i a l s and articles c l o s i n g (see " c o n t a i n e r - c l o s i n g " below) container-filling, -closing, -sealing, - c a p s u l i n g, or - l a b e l l i n g machinery computing machines cordage machines counting machines, weight-operated crushing machinery for e a r t h, s to n e, o r e s, e t c., i n s o l i d form

678.30-32 708.57 Sch 7 Pt 5D 710.80 662.20 670.33-35 668.10 66I+.05 683.95 709.1+5 676.20-25

671+.10 676.12 678.1+5 662.20 670.1+0-1+3 662.10-20 676.15 670.90 662.30 678.20