Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 8.djvu/421

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TREATY WITII THE OTTOMAN PORTE. lS30. 409 Arvrrcne IV. If litigations and disputes should arise between the Settlemcutof subjects of the Sublime Porte and citizens of the United States, the <liSP¤*€$ b°· Parties shall not be heard, nor shall judgment be pronounced unless the ;:'§j€;,?t;{;2l°" American Dragoman be present. Causes in which the sum may exceed l five hundred piastres, shall be submitted to the Sublime Porte, to be decided according to the laws of equity and justice. Citizens of the United States of America, quietly pursuing their commerce, and not Jurisdiction being charged or convicted of any crime or offence, shall not be mo- °Y?" Am°"°““ lestcd; and even when they may have committed some offence they shall cm26m' not be arrested and put in prison, by the local authorities, but they shall be tried by their Minister or Consul, and punished according to their offence, following, in this respect, the usage observed towards other Franks. Anrrrorn V. American merchant vessels that trade to the dominions U. S. flag to of the Sublime Porte, may go and come in perfect safety with their own be *°S!§’°§"d9 Hag ; but they shall not take the flag of any other Power, nor shall they 2:,:,,.;, grant their flag to the vessels of other nations and Powers, nor to vessels of rayahs. The Minister, Consuls, and Vice Consuls of the United States, shall not protect, secretly or publicly, the rayahs of the Sublime Porte, and they shall never suffer a departure from the principles here laid down and agreed to by mutual consent. ARTICLE VI. Vessels of war of the two contracting Parties, shall Vesselspf war observe towards each other, demonstrations of friendship and good in- Shall °"l“b‘* ‘°‘ . . _ wards each telligence, according to naval usage, and towards merchant vessels they 0,],6,., &c_ shall exhibit the same kind and courteous manner. Anrrcnn VII. Merchant vessels of the United States, in like man- passage of the ner as vessels of the most favored nations, shall have liberty to pass the DMd¤¤¤ll¢>¤· Canal of the Imperial Residence, and go and come in the Black Sea, either laden or in ballast; and they may be laden with the produce, manufactures and effects, of the Ottoman Empire, excepting such as are prohibited, as well as of their own country. Arvricu: VIII. Merchant vessels of the two contracting parties shall Ships not to be not be forcibly taken, for the shipment of troops, munitions and other impressedobjects of war, if the Captains or proprietors of the vessels, shall be unwilling to freight them. Anrrrcnn IX. If any merchant vessel of either of the contracting Wrecks parties, should be wrecked, assistance and protection shall be afforded to those of the crew that may be saved; and the merchandise and effects, which it may be possible to save and recover, shall be conveyed to the Consul, nearest to the place of the wreck, to be, by him, delivered to the proprietors. ‘ CONCLUSION. The foregoing articles, agreed upon and concluded, between the Eygghgpgg or Riasset (Chancery of State,) and the above mentioned Commissioner ¥¤¤H¢¤¤0¤¤· of the United States, when signed by the other two Commissioners, shall be exchanged. In ten months from the date of this Temcssuck, or instrument of treaty, the exchange of the ratifications of the two Powers shall be made, and the articles of this treaty shall have full force and be strictly observed by the two Contracting Powers. Given the fourteenth day of the moon Zilcaade, and in the year of the Hegira, 1245, corresponding with the seventh day of May, of the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty of the Christian ./Era. (Signed) MOHAMMED HAMED, R¢is·uZ·KuIab (Reis Ejkndi). v01.. vm. 52 2K