Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 8.djvu/522

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C 0 N V E N T I O N Apr1lI1, 1838, Between the Government ty' the United States. q"Ameriea

 and the Government of the Rqauotze of Texas, to termzgrehapgedés nate the reclamatzons of the former Government, for the

iidserkhsataén capture, seizure, and detentzon of the brzgs Pocket, and °*'**° P’°Si**°¤° Durango, and for znjurtes sufered by American cztzzens of the U. S., July ts, teas. on board the Pocket. Anoém LABn.aNcmr, Charge d’Afl`aires of the United States of America, near the Republic of Texas, acting on behalf of the said United States of America, and R. A. Irion, Secretary of State of the Republic of Texas, acting on behalf of the said Republic, have agreed to the following articles. qyms ,,%,,,8, Am-. 1. The Government of the Republic of Texas, with a view to to indemnify satisfy the aforesaid reclamations for the capture, seizure, and confisca- U·S· tion of the two vessels aforementioned, as well as for indemnity to American citizens who have suffered injuries from the said Government of Texas, or its officers, obliges itself to pay the sum of eleven thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars, ($11,750,) to the Government of the United States of America, to be distributed amongst the claimants by the said Government of the United States of America. payment of Ama 2. The sum of eleven thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars, Mid indemnity- (11,750,) agreed on in the first article shall be paid in gold or silver, with interest at six per cent. one year after the exchange of the ratifications of this convention. The said payment shall be made at the seat of Government of the Republic of Texas, into the hands of such person or persons as shall be duly authorized by the Government of the United States of America to receive the same. Ratiticationsto Am-. 3. The present convention shall be ratified, and the ratifications gg,g_g:¤E¤e<>d thereof' shall be exchanged in the city of Washirigton, in the space of ,,,,,,,,h,_ r°° three months from this date, or sooner, if possible, In faith whereof; the parties above named have respectively subscribed these articles, and thereto affixed their seals. Done at the city of Houston, on the eleventh day of the month of April, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-eight. ALCRE LA BRANCHE, (x.. s.) R. A. IRION, (r.. s.) (510