Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 8.djvu/538

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526 CONVENTION WITH MEXICO. 1839. ARTICLE IV. what sham,,, The contracting parties agree to consider and treat as vessels of the q¤¤¤id¤r€d ¤=¤· United States and of the Netherlands, all such as, being furnished by “°“"i"°”°l“‘ the competent authority with a passport or sea-letter, shall, under the then existing laws and regulations, be recognised as national vessels by the country to which they respectively belong. ARTICLE V. Assistance w In case of shipwreck or damage at sea, each party shall grant to the ¤hi1>Wr¢vk¤d vessels, whether public or private, of the other, the same assistance and "°”°1“• &°* protection which would be afforded to its own vessels in like cases. ARTICLE VI. Dmaqanofjha The present treaty shall be in force for the term of ten years, comirwy- mcncing six weeks after the exchange of the ratitications; and further until the end of twelve months after either of the contracting parties shall have given to the other notice of its intention to terminate the same: each of the contracting parties reserving to itself the right of giving such notice to the other, after the expiration of the said term of ten years. And it is hereby mutually agreed, that in case of such notice this treaty, and all the provisions thereof, shall, at the end of the said twelve months, altogether cease and determine. ARTICLE VII. Rattnaattaaa to The present treaty shall be ratified, and the ratitications shall be exbg ;¤§¤h=}¤g<·=d changed at Washington, within six months of its date, or sooner, if ",;,fQ,,;f“f"‘ practicable. In witness whereof, the respective plenipotentiaries have signed the same, and have aflixed thereto the seals of their arms. Done in duplicate, at the City of Washington, this nineteenth day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty-nine. JOHN FORSYTH, 1.. s.) ADR. MARTINI, L. s.) C 0 N V E N T I O N April aa, 1333, For the cuhustinent tf claims of cztizens q" the United paaaiamaaaa States J America upon the Government of the Mexican of the President · of the U, Sw RCpubZZc· April 8, 1840. Wrmnmns a convention for the adjustment of claims of citizens of Post. p. 078. the United States upon the Government of the Mexican Republic was concluded and signed at Washington on the 10th day of September, 1339, which convention was not ratified on the part of the Mexican Government, on the alleged ground that the consent of Ilis Majesty the