Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 8.djvu/645

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INDEX. 633 Mexico. M,,,;,,,_ Art. 13. Contraband goods excepted and de. ments shall be refbrrcd to the king of fine , --·--. 418 P sui . . Art. 19. Blockade defined, · · . 418 Amr;. 'I?l;e King of Prussia. to be invitegig Art. 20. Contraband liable to condemnation. appoint an umpire --.- 530 Vessels not to be detained if contraband Art. 9. In case the Iaing of Prussia. declines articles be delivered up, - - 418 to appoint an umpire Her Britemnic Ma- Art. 21. Notice of blockade. Free egress jesty to be invited to sppoint; and in casa allowed m certain cases, - - 418 she declines, the King of the Netherlands Art. 22. Examination ofvesscls at sea, 420 to be invited to appoint en umpire · 532 Art. 23. Passports and sea-letters during Art. 10. The decision of the umpile to be war; if not provioed, vessels, &,c., to be ad. final, - . . . . . 532 judged lawful prizes, - · - 420 Art. 11. Mexico to be exonerated from certain Art. 24. Vessels under convoy, - · 420 claims, ---... 532 Art. 25. Prize court , 420 Art. 12. Compensation to the commissioners Art. 26. In the event of wor between the two and their secretaries, · - - 532 countries, removal of property and persons Art. 13. Rntiiications to be exchanged within to be allowed, ---- 422 twelve months, .--· 532 Art. 27. Immunitios of merchants and public C . . agents, , _ 4gg ¢mv¢Mwn further to provide far th? pay. Art 28 Consum ____ 422 ment of auiards zi: favour of clazmants M 2**- D csrr M M — - 422 32E32E Z’ZfJé?.Z”fa}‘£;'2Z‘.f’.°3$’Z“Zbf€“ ..?’?§i‘£ · z Art. 30. Arrest and detention of desortigi q. A il 1839 J 301*184% 560 Art. 31. A consular convention to be entered Amch 1- M°Xi°° W PW lm i¤l·°¤'°¤l· d¤° ¤¤ intch ____ _ _ 4Q4 the 30th April, 1843, · · - 560 Art. 32. Interior commerce, routes andfsi §}P¤¤°*P*1 and i¤l·¤¤'°¤t W M PW; corts, . · 2 °*¤'8· -·--- Art. 33. Indian hostilities to be prevented. Am 3·_P“1'm°m·S l·° P8 m°·d° in l·h° °“.Y °f Prisoners made by Indians to be liberated, A 1:[;X"i‘;l“_g°li *3* Elixir: k *56*: 424 r. . exico pe gas io procoe so ucc Art. 34. Points ad'ustcd between the parties. *°x°$a · _ ····· 560 Treaty in force-llor eight years. Harmony All- 5- M°X‘°° *0 PW l-W° wd ¤ half Pc? of mc Parties not to be Interrupted by the cent. on each payment to cover chm·ges, 562 acts of gndividuak Demand of Suis{·ac_ Art. 6. A new convention to lss entered into tion to precede xwsuxmes. Nothing in this for the ¤¤t¤¤·¤¤¤= ¤F Mi <=1¤¤¤¤¤ ¤¤ M¤=¤¤¤. treaty to operate contrary to treaties with _ _ 562 other powers. Ratificntions to be cx- Art- 7· Rntlncimoma • · · • 562 changed within one year, or earlier, 496 Mcroccm A<1<1i¢i<m¤Z Article Apri15. 1831. - 428 Treaty 4 pcm and Friendship between uu Substitution for the fifth and sixth article of United States of America and his Imperial the treaty of April 5, 1831, - - 428 Majeszythe Emperor of Morocco. January Duties 1; be sqm? $1 the prosluctionsrnd 1787, -·-·-- 100 manu atctures o exico to t oso ni on · * ·

k   l  J  h   i  i  m  ;  d Article 1. Lmperor s consent to the treaitiii

’·h° {gawd Slam- ···· 428 Art. 2. Neither party shall take commissions cmmm with Mmm. April s, 1835,464 Arvév gw ¤¤;¤;¤¤y ¤$‘ we <>¤h~;r. · - {3} Commissioners and survc ors to be a. ointed ‘ Fgu u mus m msc ° Pap ur°’ to run the boundary HK., . "’T 464 M ·*~ S·¤~=~' 0* ¤~¤·· *<· be gm *·· *·==·;g;· 0~M>~·¢€¤·· fw the ·4¢U¤¤m¤¤¢ vf Claim ¤f M. s. How vessels shall be examined in um Citizens of the United States of America on 0; wma ______ 101 uw G°”"”"‘"'t V` th'? Mui""' R‘P“bu°· Art. 6. Citizens of the United States captured, APYH us 1839» ···· 526 to be released, - · ~ · 101 Article 1. Certain claims to be referred to u Art. 7. Vessels wanting supplies to be fur. board of four commissioners. Manner of nished, .-·.·- 10] their appointment, .·-· 528 Art. 8. Provision in case of misfortune, 101 Art. 2. The board to have two secretaries, Art. 9. Regulation in case of shipwreck aud &c., ·. 528 being forced into port, - . - 101 Art. 3. Meeting of the board, - · 528 Art. 10. Vessels protected in certain cases, Art. 4. Documents to be delivered to the 102 board, .. 528 Art. 11. Privileges of vcsscls in case of wu, Art. 5. The commissioners to decide on the 102 justice of the claims, · · - 530 Art. 12. Ships of wur belonging to the United Art. 6. Mexico to be at liberty to issue trea· States not to be examined, . · 102 sury notes for the amount found due, 530 Art. 13. Ships of war to be salubcd, - 102 Art. 7. In case of diilerence between the Art. 14. Commerce on the footing of the most commissioners us to the claims, the docu- favoured notion, · · 102 vox.; vm. 80