Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 8.djvu/675

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GENERAL INDEX. 19 Brooke, Edmund, five years full pay as lieu- Brown, John, allowance to, for improvements, tenant allowed to, v1. 491. vi. 692. ...---, allowed to remove slaves, vi. -————-, claim oil to be settled, vi. 770. GOO. _ -1-, John G., payment to, iii. 502. ...-, Georgie M, part of n Judgment to be 1-—·--· R., allowed to enter certain lard, paid to, vi. 393. v. 715. Brooks, Bartemus, rifle to be presented to, iv. i-, Joseph, increase of pension to, vi. 83 195. _ _ —-—-, Joseph C., payment to, iv. 649. .--, 'Chnstopher, allowance to, for services, ————, Josiah H., pension to, vi. 631. V1. 5I4. -—-——·, Levi, pension to, vi. 578. --—-, David, benefit of Stat. 1828, e. 53, al. ——-, Widow of General, allowance to, vi. lowed to, vi. 445. 374. .-—-—, allowance to how to be com ut- ——· Moses allowance for damages to °. aa, vi. sos. ’ P 14%. ’ ’ vi ——·—, Martin, grant of land to, ii. 101; vi. 43. -——-—, Noah, and others, to be paid for losses, ·-———, Nathaniel, allowance to, vi. 306. vi. 670. -—-, Thomas, pension allowed to, vi. 26. --—-, Ohadiah, pension allowed to, vi. 34. --—, Lieutenant John, ———, Return B., claims oi, to be settled, vi. medal to his representatives for his bravery 768. on Lake Erie, iii. 141. —;, Samuel, letters patent to issue to, vi. Broome, Thomas R., account of, to be settled, 293. and part of a judgment released to, vi. 328. ·-—--, Thomas, and another, allowance to, for Brotherton, Robert, released from a judgment, Hour, vi. 378. vi. 306. Browne, William, payment to, v. 24. Brothertowu Indians, Brownell, Thomas, pension to, vi. 869. their land to be partitioned among them, Browning, David, authorized to relinquish and v. 349. enter land, vi. 643. to be citizens of the U. S., v. 351. ;——, Mesheok, allowance to, for horses appropriation for division of lands ofi vi. lost, vi. 439. 813. ——--—, Samuel, patent right extended to, vi. treaty with, vii. 550. 467. Broughton, Glover, and others, fishing bounty Brownlee, James, seven years' halfipny to be allowed to, vi. 536. paid to, vi. 533. ` Broutin, Narcissus, land claim confirmed to, Brawnson, Abraliam, benefit of Stat. 1828, c. vi. 202. 53, extended to, vi. 435. Brown, Alriel, pension to, vi. 416. ———-, Gideon, pension allowed to, vi. 25. —-—, .f1dam,Representatives of, and others, to —-——-—, William, allowed to enter certain be paid for losses, vi. 670. land, v. 715. .—, Amp; W, bounty kind warrant to issue Bruce, John, pension allowed tc, vi. 179. to, vi. 591. —-——-—--—-, certificate to be settled and paid to, -—-——, Charles, pension allowed to, vi. 445. vi. 540. -———-~—-, land warrant to issue to heirs -———-—, allowance to, for damages, vi. 588 of; vi. 794. -—--, Joseph, to be paid for u. horse lost, vi ——-—, Daniel, increase of pension to, vi. 115. 245. ——-—, Ebenezer, pension to, vi. 100. Bruce, William, final certificate ofi to be re ·————, Edwin C. and Maria, five years' fl1ll ceived, and land patent to issue to, vi pay allowed to, vi. 603. 169. _ -—-—-, Frederick, account ol`, to be settled, vi. Bruj} James, pension to, vi. 74. 217. Bruno, Von Kapfe and, drawbacks allowed to, -———, George, commissions allowed to sure. vi. 357. ties of] vi. 522. Brunson, John, claim ot, to be settled, vi. 518. ·--———----· F., payment to be made to, iv. Brush, Adelaide, to be paid for property de- 626; vi. 667. stroyed, vi. 300. ·-—-, Harvey, allowance to, vi. 525. --—-, Elgjah, executrix of, to be paid for prop- ———, Lieutenant Harvey, allowance to, vi. erty estroyed, vi. 300. 551. -—, Robert, pension to, vi. 599,_ 629. -·-·——-, Israel, drawback allowed to, vi. 390. —-——, Thomas, pension allowed to, vi. 25. ---——-, Major- General Jacob, claim of, to be Brussels, Joseph, payment to, ii. 120. settled and paid, vi. 208. Bryan, Joseph, and others, land claim confirmed ———-—--—--—·————, thanks to, for good con- to, vi. 913 duct in battles in Upper Canada, iii. 247, Bryan and others, account of, to be settled, v. ——, Jacob, land entries confirmed to, vi. 435. 727. —-—-—, Richard S., allowed to enter land, ii. —-——, James, Representatives M allowance to, 401. vi. 586. Bryant, John, pension to, vi. 505, 608. -—-·————-··-—, allowance to, for improvements, Bryce, Henry, penalties remitted to, vi. 122. vi. 692. Brydia, David, pension allowed to, vi. -——-—, Jedediah, pension allowed to, vi. 25. Buck, Anthrmy, released from at bond, vn. 192.

——-———·-—, increase of pension tn, vi. 93. ————, Daniel, increase of pension to, vi. 76.

-——, Jeptha, pension to, vi. 190 -——, John, duties to be repaid to, vi. 241. ··-—-——-, Jolm., drawbacks allowed to, vi. 30 Bun/cinglmm, Jared, pension to, vi. ($31., -——--——-, pension to, vi. 101. Buckley, Elijah, forfeiture relinquished s•··’ ——~——-—-——, allowance for damages tn, vi M6. land patent to issue tn. vi 339