Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 8.djvu/733

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GENERAL INDEX. 71 Great Britain, (continued,) ~ Great Britain, continued.) Letter: Count Nesselrode to Mr. Middle- Article 1. lioundary line between the ton, april 22, 1822, vnu. 294. United States and the British posses- Conventton with Great Britain, August 6, sions, viii. 573. 1§27, vm. Bol). _ _ Art. 2. Description of the boundary line, Article 1. Third article of convention of viii. 573. 20th of October, 1818, relative to the ter- Art. 3. Navigation of the River St. John ritory westward of the Stony Mountains, to be free to both arties, viii. 574. indefinitely extended, viii. 360. Art. 4. Grants of hind, Goo., Within the Art. 2. Convention may be annulled on territory, confirmed to persons in possesdue notice of twelve months by either sion of such grants, viii. 576. party, viii. 360. Art. 5. Distribution of “ disputed territory Art, 3. Certain claims not to be affected fhnd," viii. 575. by this treaty, viii. 360. Art. 6. Commissioner to be appointed to Renewal of Commercial Convention with mark the line between the St. Croix and Great Britain, August 6, 1827, viii. 361. St. Lawrence Rivers, viii. 575. Article 1. Provisions of the convention of Art. 7. Certain waters free to both parties, 3d July, 1815, further continued for ten viii. 575, 576. years, viii. 361. Art. 8. Mutual agreement for the suppres- Art. 2. Either party, at any time after ten sion of the slave trade, viii. 576. years, may abrogate this convention, Art. 9. Parties to unite in renmnstrnnces giving twelve months’ notice, viii. 362. with other powers, within whose domin- Cunrenzion between the United States of ion a market is found for slaves, viii. ./Hmerica. and Great Britain, September 576. 29, 1827, viii. 362. Art. 10. Criminals to be delivered up to Article 1. Reference of diiferences as to either party upon requisition, viii. 576. the boundary between American and Art. 11. The eighth article of thi treaty British dominions to a friendly power, to be in force for five years, and afterviii. 363. wards until one or the other party shall Art. 2. Statements of the respective cases signify a wish to terminate it. Tenth to be drawn up, viii. 363. article in force until either party shall Art. 3. Each of the contracting parties wish to terminate it, viii. 577. shall communicate to the other the evi- Art. 12. Ratiflcations tobe exchanged with- - dence to be offered, viii. 363. in six months, viii. 577. Art. 4. Maps to be annexed to the state- Greaves, Jacob D., pension to, vi. 874. ments, viii. 364. Greece, Art. 5. Statements, &c., to be delivered Treaty of Commerce and Navigation heto the arbitrating power within two years, tween the United States of America and viii. 364. His Majesty the King of Greece, Decem- Art. 6. In case the arbiter should desire ber 10-q22, 1837, viii. 498. further evidence, mode of producing it, Article 1. Ports of either party open to the viii. 364. other. Citizens of each party at liberty Art. 7. The decision of the arbiter shall to reside in the t.erritories.ot' the other, be final, viii. 365. viii. 498. Art. 8. Ratifications to be exchanged with- Art. 2. Tonnage duties, Jac., to be on the in nine months, viii. 365. footing of national vessels, viii. 498. Convention between the United States of Art. 3. Vessels of the United States may Amerira and Great Britain, November import into Greece whatever Greek ves- 13, 1826, viii. 344. sels may import. Reciprocal as to irn- Artiole 1. One million two hundred and portation in Greek vessels, viii. 500. four thousand nine hundred and sixty Art. 4. Vessels of the United States may dollars to be paid by Great Britain to the export from Greece whatever Greek ves- United States, to carry into effect the sels may export. Reciprocal as to exlirst article of the treaty of Ghent, of portations in Greek vessels from the December 24, 1814, viii. 344. United States, viii. 500. Art. 2. Convention being fulfilled, an- Art. 5. Coasting trade excepted, viii. 500. nulled, except part of the third article, Art. 6. Neither party to grant any preferviii. 344. ence in its purchases to importations in Art. 3. When the sums are to be paid by its own vessels, or in the vessels of other Great Britain, viii. 344. nations, viii. 500. Art. 4. The sums to be in full of all claims Art. 7. No other or higher duties to be imunder the convention, viii. 345. posed than are imposed on vessels of Art. 5. Papers of the commission, viii. 345. other powers, except the reservations in Art. 6. Ratification of this convention, viii. the fifth article, viii. 500. 345, Art. 8. Prohibitions not to be imposed on A Treaty to settle and de/inc the Boundaries the productions of either power, viii. 502. between the Territories of the United Art. 9. All privileges of transit to become States and the Possession: of Her Britan- common, viii. 502. U _ nic Majesty in North .£mcriea;for the Art. 10. Vessels of either party, entering jinai suppression of the African Slave the ports of the other, but not wishing to Trade; and for giving up Crirninals, unload, may depart. They must confugitiees from justice, in certain cases, form to custom-house regulations, vm. August 9, 1842, viii. 572 502.