Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 8.djvu/755

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GENERAL INDEX. QQ Lands Public, (c<>¤tinue<i.) Lands, Public, (continued.) act. of 1836, ch. JQ, rcorgzmizing the penalty on, for giving false inforgeneral land office, v. 107. mation, v. 112, principal clerks in, v. 109, 110, 111. term of officc, iii. 582. rccpitder cf, v. 111. duty whcrc land is rclinquishcd solicitor ofQ v. 111; officc abolished, v. by il purchaser, iii. 614. (EQ2. fcc in such cases, iii. 614; iv. receivers to mukc returns to, v. 111. 25, 193. salaries, v. 111, 112. receivers, ii. 75. oflica hoixr, v. 112. percentage of; ii. 75, 282; iii. 466. officers m, forbidden to purchase pub- salary of, iii. 466. li? lands, v. 112. term of office, iii. 582. conhimation of patents from, v. 416. duty where land is relinquished certain papers respecting land claims by zz purchaser, iii. 614. in Louisiana to be returned 1:0,v. 649. fees in such case, iii. (S14; iv. cxcmplifications from, v. 627. 25, 193. clerks in, to be reduced to sixty, v. 764. authorized to administer oaths to general acts, v. 385, 455. purchasers, v. 384, 457. in particular states and territories, surveyor-generals, Alabama, iii. 467, 57l, 680; iv. 479, appointment of] i. 464; ii. 233; iv. 335. 571, 654; v. 397, 470. duties and powers of; i. 464; ii. 73, Arkansas, iii. 495, 554, 622; iv. 153, 113, 233, 277, 282, 329 ; iii. 229; iv. 549, 687 ; v. 287, 725. 662; v. 758. Florida, iii. 756; iv. 479; v. 567. to give bond, iii. 697. Illinois, ii. 343, 548, 590, 649 ; iii. 323, term of office, iii. 697. 571, 700; iv. 10, 443, 653, 686. compensation ofQ i. 468; ii. 234, 305; Indiana., ii. 277, 343, 344, 448., 590 ; iii. iii. 325; v. 26, 758. 521, 701, 783; iv. 264, 444, 654. in Wisconsin Territory, v. 243. Louisiana, ii. 394, 618, 619, 620, 665, in Arkansas, iv. 531. 668, 714; iii. 530, 708, 756; v. 287. deputies of; ii. 393, 532; iii. 718. Michigan, ii. 277, 503; iii. 577, 778; in Louisiana, iv. 492, 662. iv. 167, 442, 443, 610, 682; v. 48, power cf} extended over Louisiana, ii. 625. 352, 715. Mississippi, ii. 230, 440, 480, 548 ; iii. in Alabama, iv. 6. 229, 375,680; iv. 205, 517, 653; v. in territories of Illinois and Missouri, 57, 393. iii. 325, 412, 784. Missouri, iii, 406, 785, 786 ; iv. 50, in Mississippi Territory, iii. 375, 467. 158, 517, 686; v. 538. in Florida, iii. 718, 755; iv. 31. North-Western Territory, ii. 73. surveyors, Ohio, ii. 73, 237, 277, 344, 448, 517, sec the acts ordering surveys, (above.) 590, 649; iu. 201, 326, 409, 521; fccs of; i. 468. iv. 774. duties under acts respecting naval tim· Orleans Territory, ii. 326, 619, 662, ber, iii. 607. 654, 668 ; iv. 159. act to punish obstructions to, iv. 417. Tennessee, ii. 649. translator, ii. 304, 328, 393; iii. 324, Wisconsin, v. 243. 572, 713. in land ceded by treaty with Creeks secretary to sign land patents, iv. 663; 0f August 9, }814, iii. 228. V. Ul. in lands ceded by Choctaws, October (12.) Miscellaneous Provisions. 18, 1820, and September 27, 1830, patents to issue to tmnsferecs of certain iv. 653. Indian reservations, v. 256. (11.) Qjjiccrs employed. purchase of land at conflux of the St, Pefor special provisions respecting registers, tefs and Mississippi, v. 365. receivers, and superintendents of sales, purchasesin Graensburghland district muy sec, above, the acts establishing land be crmccllcd, v. 540. offices, and authorizing sales. copies, &c., of records to be evidence, iii. for special provisions respecting commis. 721; v.627. sioners, clerks, translators, and intcr- armed occupation of Florida, v. 502. prcter, scc, above, Confirmation and Ad- agent to collect information respecting the justment af Titles. copper mines on Lake Superior, ii. 87. forbidden to purchase public lands, ii. 708; reiicggg Alibama. and Wyandott Indians, v. 112. ii. . general provisions respecting, illegal settlements, ii. 445, 480; iii. 260, superintendents of sales, ii. 78, 234, 393, 450; iv. 665. 345, 448. land laws to be printed. See Laws, p. 100. register. ii. 76, 282. indemnification of claimants in the Missisreturns ofQ ii. 77. sippi Territory, iii. 116, 192, 235, 294. authorized io administer oaths to navigable streams to be public highways, i. purchasers, v. 384, 457. 49l. See Highways, p. 82. percentage cf, ii. 77, 282; iii.466. riparian proprietors, i. 49]. purchases of land by, ii. 77. road in North-West Territory, ix. 180 deputies ofQ ii. 392. towns in Florida, established, iv. 357, 60], salary ofQ iii. 466. GG4.